SC105: Modulation Formats and Receiver Concepts for Optical Transmission Systems
Peter Winzer, Nubis Communications, USA and Vivian Chen; Nokia Bell Labs, USA
SC114: Technologies and Applications for Passive Optical Networks (PONs)
Yuanqui Luo, Futurewei, USA
SC160: Microwave Photonics
Jose Capmany, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
SC177: High-speed Semiconductor Lasers and Modulators
John Bowers, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
SC203: 400, 800Gb/s and Beyond Optical Communications Systems: Design and Design Trade-offs
Ezra Ip, NEC Labs, USA
Chongjin Xie, PhotonicX AI, China
SC216: An Introduction to Optical Network Design and Planning
George Rouskas, North Carolina State University, USA
SC217: Applications of Radio-Over-Fiber Technologies Including Future G Networks
Dalma Novak, Octane Wireless, USA
SC261: ROADM Technologies and Network Applications
Thomas Strasser, Infinera, USA
SC267: Silicon Microphotonics: Technology Elements and the Roadmap to Implementation
Lionel Kimerling, MIT, USA
SC325: Highly Integrated Monolithic Photonic Integrated Circuits
Chris Doerr, Doerr Consulting, LLC, USA
SC327: Modeling and Design of Long-Haul Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
René-Jean Essiambre, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
SC328: Standards for High-Speed Optical Networking
Tom Huber, Nokia, USA
SC357: Circuits and Equalization Methods for Coherent and Direct Detection Optical Links
Alexander Rylyakov, Nokia, USA and Sudip Shekhar, University of British Columbia, Canada
SC359: Networking for Datacenters and Machine Learning
Hong Liu, Google, USA
Ryohei Urata, Google, USA
SC369: Hands-On: Test and Measurement for Coherent Optical Transceivers
Fabio Pittala and Michael Koenigsmann, Keysight, Germany
SC384: Background Concepts of Optical Communication Systems
Alan Willner, University of Southern California, USA
SC393: Digital Signal Processing for Coherent Optical Transceivers
Chris Fludger, Infinera, Germany
SC395: Modeling and Simulation of Optical Transmitter and Receiver Components for Coherent Communications
Harald Rohde, Nokia, Germany and Howard Wang, Nokia, USA
SC408: Space Division Multiplexing for Optical Communication Systems and Networks
Roland Ryf, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
SC431: Photonic Technologies in the Data Center
Clint Schow, University of California, USA
SC432: Hands-On: Silicon Photonics Components
Lukas Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada
SC433: Introduction to Photodetectors and Optical Receivers
Andreas Beling, University of Virginia, USA
SC443: Optical Amplifiers: From Fundamental Principles to Technology Trends
Peter Andrekson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas, Arlington, USA
SC444: Emerging Optical Network Technologies Towards 2030
Dr. Xiang Liu, Huawei Technologies, China
SC447: The Life Cycle of an Optical Network: From Planning to Decommissioning
Andrew Lord, BT Labs, BT, UK
SC448: Evolving Software Defined Optical Network: Architecture and Design Principles
Ramon Casellas, Ph.D., IEEE SM; OSA M, CTTC, Spain
SC451: Optical Fiber Sensors: Principles & Applications
Alexis Méndez, MCH Engineering, LLC, USA
Andres Chevarria, Luna Inc., USA
SC452: FPGA Prototyping for Optical Subsystems
Noriaki Kaneda, Nokia, USA
Robert Elschner, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany
SC453A: Hands-On: Fiber Optic Handling, Measurements, and Component Testing
Steve Baldo, Seikoh Giken, USA
Chris Heisler, Santec California Corporation, USA
Jérome Allaigre, Data-Pixel, France
Julien Maille, Data-Pixel, France
SC453B : Hands-On: Fiber Optic Handling, Measurements, and Component Testing
Steve Baldo, Seikoh Giken, USA
Chris Heisler, Santec California Corporation, USA
Jérome Allaigre, Data-Pixel, France
Julien Maille, Data-Pixel, France
SC454: Hands-On: Silicon Photonics Design - Circuits
Wim Bogaerts, University of Ghent, Belgium
SC459: Multimode Photonic Devices, Characterization and Applications
Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
SC461: High-capacity Data Center Interconnects for Cloud-scale Networking
Dirk van den Borne, Juniper Networks, Germany
Sander L. Jansen, ADVA Optical Networking, Germany
Mark Filer, Stealth Startup, USA
SC463: Optical Transport SDN: Architectures, Applications, and Actual Implementations
Achim Autenrieth, ADVA Optical Networking SE, Germany
Jörg-Peter Elbers, ADVA Optical Networking SE, Germany
SC465: Transmission Fiber and Cables
John Hedgpeth, Corning Optical Communications, USA
SC469: Hands-On: Laboratory Automation and Control Using Python (Beginner)
Jochen Schröder, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
Binbin Guan, Microsoft USA
Roland Ryf, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
SC470: Secure Optical Communications
Andrew Shields, Toshiba Research Labs, UK
Helmut Grießer, Adva Network Security, Germany
SC473: Photonic Switching Systems
David Neilson, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Benjamin Lee, NVIDIA, USA
SC483: Machine Learning in Optical Networks
Massimo Tornatore, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
SC485: Advanced Fiber Access Networks
Jun Shan Wey, Verizon, USA and Rajesh Yadav, Verizon, USA
SC487: Hands-On: Laboratory Automation and Control using Python (Advanced)
Jochen Schröder, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs USA
Binbin Guan, Microsoft USA
SC512: Modern Subsea Cable Systems
Mei Du, Tata Communications, USA
SC513: Data Center Short Links – Link Design, Modeling, Test and Measurements
Petar Pepeljugoski, IBM Research, USA and Greg D. Le Cheminant, Keysight Technologies, USA
SC514: FEC Techniques for Optical Communications
Georg Böcherer, Huawei Technologies, Technical University of Munich, Germany
SC525: Photonic and Electronic Packaging - Materials, Processes, Equipment and Reliability
Peter O'Brien, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
SC526: Optical Wireless Technologies, Systems and Applications
Harald Haas, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
SC527: Optical Satellite Networks
Vincent Chan, MIT, USA
SC528: Hands-On Fiber Optic OFCnet Course: Practical Fiber Optic Network Testing in a Realistic Network Environment
Gwenn Amice, EXFO, USA
Christine Tremblay, École de technologie supérieure, Canada