Tuesday, 01 April,
Rooms 203-204 (Level 2)
If a Global Disaster Struck and all the Optical Infrastructure was Wiped Out, Would You Rebuild with Today’s Mainstream Technologies?
This rump session would have advocates of new fibers and new optical switching and amplification technologies exchange rhetorical blows with defendants of today’s mainstream technologies.
- Do we just go back to O-band, C-band, InP lasers, EDFAs, G.652 fiber?
- Would this blank slate eliminate the support of legacy systems and provide dramatic efficiency improvements?
- Can we jettison the IEEE/OIF standards?
- Will there be any copper at all?
Antonio Tartaglia (Lead), Ericsson, United States
Roy Rubenstein, LightCounting LLC, United States
Dirk Van Den Borne, Juniper Networks Inc., Germany