Exhibitor professionals can utilize this section of the website to register as a PR contact, submit news releases, schedule on-site news conferences, and get information on pre-show, on-site, and post-show PR opportunities.
The OFC media team wants to do everything we can to help you achieve your goals for the conference. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time for information and assistance.
PR Contact Registration Form
Register the appropriate PR or media relations professional at your company to ensure you receive timely updates about free PR opportunities for OFC.
Media Event Registration Form
OFC offers the ideal venue to hold a news conference announcing your company's news. A news conference room is available to reserve any day of the conference during media room hours on a first-come, first-served basis.
OFC Exhibitor PR Toolkit
This comprehensive PR Toolkit is designed to provide OFC exhibitors with the public relations and social media information, opportunities and content you need to maximize your presence and investment in OFC.
The Toolkit includes a one-page OFC 2025 PR Deadline checklist; print yours out today!
News Release Submission Form
Post your company's show news now through the end of the show. It's a quick and easy form, and it's free! Please note that there is an 100-character limit on news releases titles.
Looking for more information?
Download our PR Professional FAQs or contact media@ofcconference.org.