(UTC - 07:00)
Demonstration of 155 Gbaud PAM4 and PAM6 EML With Narrow High-Mesa EA Modulator for 400 Gbps per Lane Transmission (Tu2D.1)
Asami Uchiyama Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
D3: Active Components
S3: Transmission Systems
(UTC - 07:00)
Record Low Loss Optical Fiber With 0.1397 dB/km (Tu2E.1)
Shin Sato Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
D4: Fibers and Propagation Physics
S4: Optical Processing, Microwave Photonics and Fiber-sensing
(UTC - 07:00)
Digital Coherent Sensing Over Deployed Fibers for Advanced Network Telemetry (Tu2J.1)
Sterenn Guerrier Nokia Bell Labs
N1: Advances in Development of Systems, Networks and Services
(UTC - 07:00)
Probabilistic Shaping for Nonlinearity Mitigation (Tu2H.1)
Lutz Lampe University of British Columbia
(UTC - 07:00)
519.21Gbps Optical Interconnect Using 50-Channel Pre-Equalized WDM Visible Light Laser Communication System (Tu2K.1)
Xianhao Lin Fudan University
(UTC - 07:00)
An Integrated Photonic-Electronic Quantum Coherent Receiver for Sub-Shot-Noise-Limited Optical Links (Tu2C.1)
Volkan Gurses California Institute of Technology
SC-Q: Quantum Devices, Systems and Networking
(UTC - 07:00)
"Tight Sync" in Precision Time Protocol (PTP), Requirements and Impact at Optical Component Level (Tu2A.1)
Stefano Ruffini Calnex Solutions
D1: Advanced Prototyping, Packaging and Integration
S1: Datacom Subsystems and Systems
(UTC - 07:00)
Moore's Law: A Photonics Perspective for the Next Decade (Tu2F)
Paul Gunning British Telecommunications
(UTC - 07:00)
Nonlinear Photonic Devices and Material Platforms (Tu2B)
Kazuhiro Ikeda AIST
D2: Passive Components
S2: Subsystems for Transmission
(UTC - 07:00)
Panel: Beyond Two-Core Fibers: Single-Core vs Multi-Core Amplifiers in Long-Haul SDM Links (Tu2G)
Special Event