(UTC - 07:00)
FPGA-Based Real-Time Mode-Diversity Coherent Reception Experiment Over a 15.6 km Horizontal Turbulence Link (M4G.6)
Kejia Xu Beijing University of Posts & Telecom
(UTC - 07:00)
Impact of Optical Circuit Switching on AI Clusters (M4H.6)
Norman Jouppi Google LLC
N2: Optical Networking for Data Center and Computing Applications
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From 400G to 1600G - Cloud Scale Deployment and Intelligent Operation of Inter-Datacenter Coherent Links (M4C.4)
Yishu Zhou Microsoft
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Electronic-Photonic Integrated Microwave Beamforming Chip for Broadband RF Applications (M4D.6)
Yiwei Xie Zhejiang University
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Rerouting in Quantum Wrapper Networks by Monitoring Single-Photon Level Noise (M4E.7)
mehmet berkay on University of California, Davis
SC-Q: Quantum Devices, Systems and Networking
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Generative AI for Distributed Acoustic Sensing Event Classification in Telecom Networks (M4A.6)
Ming-Fang Huang NEC Laboratories America Inc.
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7×100 Gb/s Multicore Fiber Link Enabled by an Inverse-Designed Dual-Polarization Coupler (M4J.8)
Julian Pita Ruiz École de Technologie Supérieure - ÉTS Montréal
D2: Passive Components
S2: Subsystems for Transmission
(UTC - 07:00)
Fading-Resilient Coherent Receiver for Free-Space Communications With Real-Time Demonstration (M4G.7)
eric dutisseuil Nokia Bell Labs
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Quantification of Stimulated Raman Scattering Penalties Induced by Very High Speed PON in Quadruple Coexistence (M4I.7)
Gael Simon Orange
N4: Optical Access Networks for Fixed and Mobile Services
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Demonstration of a Silicon Nitride Optical Beamforming Network Based on Blass-Matrix Architecture (M4D.7)
Eva Loukisa Kontonasopoulou National Technical University of Athens