(UTC - 07:00)
Ultra-Wideband Transmission (Th3C)
Ruben Luis NICT
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Fiber Sensing and Characterization (Th3F)
Mikael Mazur Nokia Bell Labs
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Device Applications for Wireless Communications (Th3J)
Bernhard Schrenk Austrian Institute of Technology
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Frontiers of Optical Network Architecture Summit – Network Architecture Evolution in the Age of AI (Th3A)
Vincent Chan MIT
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Free-Space Optical QKD, QRNG, and Classical Techniques (Th3I)
Rui Wang University of Bristol
SC-Q: Quantum Devices, Systems and Networking
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Title to be Announced (Th3A.1)
Xiang Liu Huawei Technologies
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High-Density Evanescent Chip Coupling With Detachable Fiber Connector for Co-Packaged Optics (Th3H.1)
Lars Brusberg Corning Inc.
D1: Advanced Prototyping, Packaging and Integration
S1: Datacom Subsystems and Systems
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High-Power Germanium-Silicon Photodetector Integrated With on-Chip Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication (Th3E.1)
Xiangyu Guo Huazhong University of Science and Techn
D3: Active Components
S3: Transmission Systems
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On the Synergy Between Flexible Ethernet and Point-to-Multipoint Optical Networks (Th3D.1)
Meihan Wu Univ. of Science and Technology of China
N3: Architectures and Software-Defined Control for Metro and Core Networks
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High Power Emitters for Beyond 50G-PON (Th3G.1)
Ricardo Rosales Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
N4: Optical Access Networks for Fixed and Mobile Services