• Technical Conference:  30 March – 03 April 2025
  • Exhibition: 01 – 03 April 2025
  • Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA
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Wednesday, 02 April

08:00 — 10:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Network Evolution and AI

Presider: Ashwin Gumaste, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Embracing the AI Era: Optical Network Evolution to Scale the Backbone

    Presenter: Ligia Maria Moreira Zorello, Meta Platforms Technologies UK Ltd, United Kingdom

  2. -
    Polarization-Independent Optical-Carrier-Distribution Scheme for Metro-Access Converged DC Interconnects

    Presenter: Ritsuki Hamagami, NTT Corporation, Japan

  3. -
    Timeslot-Compactness-Aware Routing Wavelength and Timeslot Assignment Strategy for Distributed AI Training in a Multi-Granularity All-Optical Metro Spine-Leaf Network

    Presenter: Shaoxiong Feng, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  4. -
    Multi-Agent Design for LLM-Assisted Network Management

    Presenter: Hussein Zaid, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunicati, Germany

  5. -
    Generative AI Roll Out for Transport Networks

    Presenter: Raghu Valisammagari, Verizon Communications Inc., United States


Which Phase Tuning Technologies Have the Potential to Supplant Thermal Tuning in Silicon Photonics?

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

Submarine and Field Trials

Presider: Jean-christophe Antona, Alcatel Submarine Networks Inc., France
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    Technologies and Challenges for Pb/s Submarine Cable Deployment

    Presenter: Pascal Pecci, Meta France, France

  2. -
    Trans-Atlantic Record Deployment Achieving 24 Tb/s Capacity Enabled Through Probabilistic Shaping and FEC Gain Sharing

    Presenter: Siddharth Varughese, Infinera Corp., United States

  3. -
    Physics Based vs ML-Based Digital Twins of Submarine Networks

    Presenter: Juliana Tiburcio de Araujo, Alcatel Submarine Networks Inc., France

  4. -
    Field Trial of Real-Time 128Tb/s Co-Frequency Co-Time Full-Duplex Transmission Over Deployed 20km AR-HCFs in Urban Duct Network

    Presenter: Dawei Ge, China Mobile Research Institute, China

  5. -
    Real-Time 1.6-Tbps Transmission Over 10 km for 6G Fronthaul in Co-Packaged Optics Radio Access Networks Using Eye-Safe Standard-Single-Mode-Fiber-Fed Remote Laser Sources

    Presenter: Son Le, Nubis Communications, United States

  6. -
    Operator Trial of Quadruple PON Coexistence With 100G-PON, 50G-PON, 25GS-PON and XGS-PON

    Presenter: Robert Borkowski, Nokia Bell Labs, United States


Optical Signal Processing

Presider: Adonis Bogris, University of West Attica, Greece
Room 207

  1. -
    Optical General Matrix Multiplication Using Incoherent Light and Wavelength Multiplexing

    Presenter: Farshid Ashtiani, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  2. -
    Multitasking Parallel Chip-Scale Programmable Silicon Photonic Processor

    Presenter: Zihang Yang, Huazhong uni of Science and Technology, China

  3. -
    Light-Sound Interactions for Optical Computing and Quantum Applications

    Presenter: Birgit Stiller, Max-Planck-Inst Physik des Lichts, Germany

  4. -
    Optoelectronic Ising Machine-Based Maximum Likelihood MIMO Detection for Enhanced SDM Fiber-Optic Transmission

    Presenter: yibin wan, Sun Yat-sen University, China

  5. -
    Ultrafast All-Optical Matrix-Vector Multiplication Based on Four-Wave Mixing

    Presenter: Hao Liu, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, UK, United Kingdom

  6. -
    Parametric Time-Lens Array With Extended Temporal Aperture Enabling gap-Free Real-Time Signal Processing

    Presenter: Manuel Fernández, Departamento de Ingeniería en Telecomunicaciones – Instituto Balseiro (UNCuyo-CNEA) & CONICET, Argentina

  7. -
    Dual Privacy Protection for Distributed Fiber Sensing With Disaggregated Inference and Fine-Tuning of Memory-Augmented Networks

    Presenter: Philip Ji, NEC Laboratories America Inc., United States


Datacenter Wavelength and Mode Multiplexing

Presider: Brandon Buscaino, Ciena Corporation, United States
Room 208

  1. -
    Order-Preserving Channel Calibration of Kerr Comb–Driven Microresonator-Based DWDM Link

    Presenter: Yuyang Wang, Columbia University, United States

  2. -
    A 4λ× 50-Gb/s Si Photonic WDM Transmitter With Code-Based Wavelength Calibration and Locking

    Presenter: Daewon Rho, Yonsei University, Korea (the Republic of)

  3. -
    Inter-Channel FWM Mitigation Using Low-Complexity Digital Pre-Compensation for O-Band IMDD Transmission

    Presenter: Ryosuke Matsumoto, National Institute of Advanced Industria, Japan

  4. -
    Demonstration of the WDM Performance of a SiP Polarization Compensator and Modulator Operating at 300 Gbps in the O-Band Over 2 km

    Presenter: Aleksandar Nikic, McGill University, Canada

  5. -
    Experimental Demonstration of 2×112Gbit/s PM-PAM4 IM/DD System Using TFLN Polarization Controller

    Presenter: Juntao Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  6. -
    CD-Mitigation With Spatial Mode Dispersion for 120-GBaud PAM4 Degenerate-Mode-Group MDM Transmission Over 10-km Weakly-Coupled FMF

    Presenter: Yu Yang, Pengcheng Laboratory, China


High-Speed Direct-Detection PON

Presider: Yuanqiu Luo, Futurewei Technologies Inc, United States
Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    Dual-Wavelength 200Gb/s IM/DD 40km Transmission With 34dB Link Budget for Very High Speed PON

    Presenter: Ricardo Rosales, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany

  2. -
    First 100G NRZ-OOK PON Demonstration With >31 dB Loss Budget and Coexistence Study Over Field-Deployed Fiber

    Presenter: Christoph Füllner, Nokia Bell labs, Germany

  3. -
    Enhanced Support Vector Machine Based Signal Recovery in Bandwidth-Limited 50-100 Gbit/s Flexible DS-PON

    Presenter: Liyan Wu, Beijing U. of Posts & Telecom, China

  4. -
    LUT-Assisted Clock Data Recovery and Equalization for Burst-Mode 50-100 Gbit/s Bandwidth-Limited Flexible PON

    Presenter: Yanlu Huang, Beijing U. of Posts & Telecommunication, China

  5. -
    Performances of Cost-Effective 50G ONU With Analog FFE and HI-FEC

    Presenter: Dylan chevalier, Orange Labs, France

  6. -
    An Experimental Analysis of 50G-PON LDPC

    Presenter: Luiz Anet Neto, IMT Atlantique, France


Light-Source, QD and Comb

Presider: Wei Shi, Université Laval, Canada
Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    Feedback-Controlled Frequency Comb in Quantum Dot Lasers

    Presenter: Wenlu Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

  2. -
    Ultra-Stable Broadband Comb Laser With Tunable Free Spectral Range

    Presenter: Bahareh Marzban, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  3. -
    Multi-Wavelength Quantum Dot Comb Lasers

    Presenter: Alan Liu, Quintessent Inc., United States

  4. -
    Flat-top Electro-Optic Frequency Comb Using a Single Modulator and Drive on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate

    Presenter: Liu Liu, Zhejiang University, China

  5. -
    Widely Tunable InP-on-Silicon Lasers Based on the Micro-Transfer Printing of Double-Ridge Coupons

    Presenter: Yang Liu, Gent University, Belgium

  6. -
    Tunable Quantum Dot Lasers Monolithically Integrated With Silicon Photonics Rings and DBR Gratings

    Presenter: Rosalyn Koscica, University of California Santa Barbara, United States

  7. -
    High-Power and Narrow Linewidth SOA-Integrated DFB Laser for 400-mW Class External Laser Sources

    Presenter: Daisuke Inoue, Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations, Inc., Japan


Optical Wireless Communication (OWC)

Presider: Chao Lu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    Beam-Steered Optical Wireless Communication

    Presenter: Eduward Tangdiongga, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands

  2. -
    Reconfigurable Networks for Indoor Optical Wireless Communications Using Polarization-Controlled Dual-Function Metasurfaces

    Presenter: Eduward Tangdiongga, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

  3. -
    Auto-Aligned Optical Wireless Communication System With Wide Field and Ultra-low Loss

    Presenter: Jin Mei, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  4. -
    Future Perspectives on Optical Wireless Communication – Optical Beam Shaping, Multiple Access and Integration

    Presenter: Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


Waveguide Devices Based on Nonlinearities

Presider: Lawrence Chen, McGill University, Canada
Room 215

  1. -
    Flexible and Addressable 2nd Order Nonlinearities in Microresonators

    Presenter: Camille-Sophie Brès, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

  2. -
    9-THz Wideband PPLN-Based Wavelength Converter for Simultaneous Conversion of C+L-Band WDM Signal to Full S-Band

    Presenter: Shunya Konno, NTT Device Technology Laboratories, Japan

  3. -
    Phase-Preserving Amplitude Regeneration in a Mamyshev Regenerator With Group-Delay-Managed Nonlinear Medium and mid-Stage Optical Phase Conjugation

    Presenter: Cheng Guo, University of Texas at Arlington, United States

  4. -
    Advances in on-Chip Optical Amplifiers

    Presenter: Tobias Kippenberg, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

  5. -
    Nonlinearity-Mediated Spectral Control of Light Using Pulsed Pumps Processed by Tunable Talbot Effect

    Presenter: Zijian Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  6. -
    Electrically-Tunable and Power-Efficient Silicon Nitride Optical Parametric Oscillator

    Presenter: Jiaqi Li, Sun Yat-Sen University, China


Long-Distance and CV-QKD

Room 301

  1. -
    Long-Distance Discrete-Modulated Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution Over 126.56 km of Fiber

    Presenter: Yan Pan, Institute of Southwestern Communication, China

  2. -
    Demonstration of Co-Transmission of Quantum Key Distribution and Classical Signal With High Launch Power Across 125 km Few-Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Siwei Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  3. -
    Experimental Demonstration of 150 km Four-Core Fiber Co-Transmission of Quantum and Classical Signals Enabled by Wavelength and Space Division Multiplexing

    Presenter: Siwei Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  4. -
    High-Performance Multi-Carrier Continuous-Variable Quantum key Distribution

    Presenter: Wang Heng, Institute of Southwestern Communication, China

  5. -
    Generalizing Nonlocal Dispersion Cancelation for Robust Quantum Communications

    Presenter: Benjamin Crockett, INRS, Canada

  6. -
    Improving End-to-end Key Security in Trusted Node-Based QKD Networks With Secret Sharing

    Presenter: Mario Wenning, Adva Network Security GmbH, Germany

  7. -
    Quantum key Distribution With Ultra Long-Distance Fiber

    Presenter: Zhen-Qiang Yin, Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China


Modelling and Nonlinearity Mitigation/Compensation

Presider: Olga Vassilieva, Fujitsu Network Communications Inc, United States
Room 304

  1. -
    Accounting for Temporal Energy Correlations in the Enhanced Gaussian Noise Model

    Presenter: Kaiquan Wu, Eindohoven university of technology, Netherlands

  2. -
    Predicting Nonlinear Interference for Short-Blocklength 4D Probabilistic Shaping

    Presenter: Bin Chen, Hefei University of Technology, China

  3. -
    Optical Line System Physical Digital Model Calibration Using a Differential Algorithm

    Presenter: Giacomo Borraccini, NEC Laboratories America Inc., United States

  4. -
    A Fast and Accurate EDFA Model for the Optimization of Power-Efficient SDM Subsea Transmission Systems

    Presenter: Aymeric Arnould, Fraunhofer-Institut for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI, Germany

  5. -
    Nonlinearity Cancellation Based on Optimized First Order Perturbative Kernels

    Presenter: Alex Alvarado, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands

  6. -
    Joint Pre- and Post-Learned Perturbation Nonlinearity Compensation Optimization for Long-Haul Optical Fiber Transmission Based on End-to-end Deep Learning

    Presenter: Lyu Li, Shanghaijiaotong University, China

  7. -
    Impact of Baud Rate and Transmission Distance on Nonlinearity Compensation Using Optical Frequency Combs

    Presenter: Ronit Sohanpal, University College London, United Kingdom

  8. -
    Mitigation of Coherent Nonlinear Noise Accumulation in Transmission Across Cascaded SOAs

    Presenter: Hartmut Hafermann, Huawei Technologies France, France

10:30 — 12:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Joint Poster Session I

Room 303

  1. Wafer Scale TFLN Platform Exhibiting 0.1 dB/cm Single Mode Propagation Loss

    Presenter: Bingzhou Hong, Zhangjiang Lab, China

  2. Enhancement of RF Performance of 128-Gbaud Lumped EML Submodule Utilizing LC Resonance With Capacitive Wire-Bonding Pad

    Presenter: Seokjun Yun, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea (the Republic of)

  3. Silicon Photonics for Harsh Environments

    Presenter: Jan Troska, CERN, Switzerland

  4. Underwater Visible Optical Wireless Broadcasting Communications Enabled by Beam-Steering Liquid Crystal Metasurface

    Presenter: Chao Yang, CICT, China

  5. An 8-Channel Optical Selective Switch for Polarization and Wavelength Multiplexed Optical Fiber Networks

    Presenter: Zengqi Chen, Hong Kong Univ of Sci & Tech (Guangzhou), China

  6. 8 x 8 Polarization-Insensitive Silicon Optical Switch

    Presenter: Yating Wu, Zhejiang University, China

  7. Progress Towards Standardized Thin Film Lithium Niobate (TFLN) Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)

    Presenter: Hamed Sattari, Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Micro, Switzerland

  8. Advancements in LPCVD SiN Waveguides: Achieving 3 dB/m Propagation Loss on 200 mm Wafers

    Presenter: Onur Ozdemir, imec, Belgium

  9. Asymmetric Bridged Coupler-Based Polarization Beam Splitter on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Platform

    Presenter: Yu He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  10. Photonic Crystal Fiber Metalens With Planar Chiral Units for Arbitrary Polarization Focusing

    Presenter: YUE WANG, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  11. Efficient Resonance Seeking Algorithm for High-Order Ring-Assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Calibration

    Presenter: Qishen Liang, Zhejiang University, China

  12. A Spot-Size-Converter for O-Band Standard Single Mode Fiber With Sub-Decibel Coupling Loss

    Presenter: Min Teng, Innolight Technology, China

  13. Experimental Verification of LR-8 Silicon-Nanowire-Based Optical Demultiplexer for 400 GbE and Beyond in MDCs

    Presenter: Seok-Hwan Jeong, The University of Suwon, Korea (the Republic of)

  14. Dispersion Engineering of Integrated Si3N4 Fabry-Perot Bragg Gratings

    Presenter: Masoud Heidari, University of Maryland, United States

  15. Silicon 6.4 Tb/s Micro-Ring Modulator Array Chip With Wavelength Multiplexed and Port Multiplexed for Optical Interconnect

    Presenter: Gangqiang Zhou, Zhejiang Lab, China

  16. Strong Bandwidth Enhancement of Zn-Diffusion Single-Mode 850 nm VCSEL Transmission Over Graded-Index Single-Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Jin-Wei Shi, National Central University, Taiwan

  17. Ultrafast Waveguide MUTC Photodiode Targeting Over 200 GBaud Applications at 1310 nm and 1550 nm

    Presenter: Linze Li, ShanghaiTech University, China

  18. Uniform Monolithically Integrated Silicon Photonics Optical Receiver Chip for CWDM4

    Presenter: JIN XIE, Zhejiang University, China

  19. Low-Noise Hybrid Three-Five/Si3N4 Laser With a Fast Wavelength Switching Range of 21 nm

    Presenter: Yilin Wu, Tsinghua University, China

  20. Highly Efficient EML With SOA for 50G PON Application

    Presenter: Yifan Jiang, MACOM TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, United States

  21. Tapered-Hybrid Bend, Interior-Ridge Modulator and Filter Supporting Tbps-Scale Links

    Presenter: Kaylx Jang, Columbia University, United States

  22. Lifetime Model for Enabling Reliable InGaAs/GaAs Nano-Ridge Lasers Monolithically Integrated on 300 mm Silicon

    Presenter: Ping-Yi Hsieh, KU Leuven, Belgium

  23. Programmable Microring Modulators With High Extinction Ratio and Tunable Quality Factor

    Presenter: Hamed Shams Mousavi, Intel Corporation, United States

  24. 1.5 Terabit/s IM/DD Transmission With Kerr Soliton Frequency Comb for DCI Application

    Presenter: Lakshmi Narayanan Venkatasubramani, Dublin City University, Ireland

  25. Electro-Optically Tuned Multi-Channel Interference Laser With Rear-Emission for Rapid Wavelength Switching

    Presenter: Jiajun Lou, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  26. Integrated Compact Optical Vortex Beam Modulators

    Presenter: Huajie Wan, Huazhong uni of Science and Technology, China

  27. Temperature Effect on the Correlation Between Cores in a 7-Core Fiber

    Presenter: Yifan Liu, Univerisity of Colorado Boulder, United States

  28. Ultra-Wideband and Low DMG Four-Mode-Group TDFA Based on Hybrid-Mode Pumping

    Presenter: Chaoya Shan, Beijing University of Posts and Telecomm, China

  29. Low-Loss Photonic Circuits Fabricated on Antimony Trisulphide on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Towards Nonlinear-Optic Applications

    Presenter: Yaqi Liu, Tianjin University, China

  30. Detection of Fiber Macro-Bending Anomalous Events in Operator Networks

    Presenter: Petros Ramantanis, Nokia Bell Labs, France

  31. Experimental Validation of GOSNR Estimation Using Polarization-Resolved Optical Spectrum Analysis on Metro and Long-Haul WDM Links

    Presenter: Steven Searcy, Adtran, United States

  32. Exploring Telemetry Collection Interval and Continuity in a Six-Month Study of a Pan-European Network

    Presenter: Kaida Kaeval, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

  33. Beyond 50 Gbps Vehicle Optical Network Utilizing WDM Visible Light Transmission in Multi-Mode Fiber Backbone

    Presenter: Yunkai Wang, Fudan University, China

  34. Machine Learning for QoT Estimation to Adapt to Non-Uniform or Unknown Parameters

    Presenter: Jinming Chen, UVa, United States

  35. Control and Monitoring of IPoWDM Networks With Pluggable EDFAs

    Presenter: Andrea Sgambelluri, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

  36. Photonic Chip With Embedded Data Center Fabric

    Presenter: Jose Castro, Panduit Corp, United States

  37. Integrated Optoelectronic Ising Machine Based on Silicon Photonics

    Presenter: Guanyu Chen, Chongqing University, China

  38. Photonic Three-Dimensional Tensor Convolution Operation Based on Time-Wavelength Interleaved Frequency Synthesis Technology

    Presenter: Jiayuan Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  39. Single-Shot Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Optical Processor for Deep Learning

    Presenter: Chao Luan, MIT, United States

  40. Photonic KAN: a Kolmogorov-Arnold Network Inspired Efficient Neuromorphic Accelerator

    Presenter: Yiwei Peng, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, United States

  41. PipSwitch: a Circuit Switch Using Programmable Integrated Photonics

    Presenter: Eric Ding, Cornelll University, United States

  42. Enabling Scalable Photonic Tensor Cores With Polarization-Domain Photonic Computing

    Presenter: Amin Shafiee, Colorado State University, United States

  43. Optically Interconnected Disaggregated Datacenters in Support of ML/AI Applications: a Failure Analysis

    Presenter: Albert Pagès, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

  44. Digital Twin-Enabled Optical Network Channel Power Management by WSS and Booster Auto-Adjustment

    Presenter: Chenyu Sun, Huawei Technologies France SASU, France

  45. Optimization of Router Cost and Consumption in a Point-to-Multipoint Metro-Core Architecture

    Presenter: Mohammad Hosseini, Infinera, Germany

  46. Quantifying the Operational Benefits of Deep Learning Based Dynamic Traffic Prediction Using Real-World Dataset

    Presenter: Dimitris Uzunidis, University of Patras, Greece

  47. A Parallel Multi-Grid High-Degree OXC Node Architecture Based on Partial-WSS in a Scaling Multi-Fiber Network

    Presenter: Bojun Zhang, Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  48. Optical Transport Network Optimization Supporting Integrated Sensing and Communication Services

    Presenter: Anna Tzanakaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

  49. Energy-Efficient Routing Based on Satellite-Ground Station Coordination in LEO Optical Satellite Networks

    Presenter: Cui Zijian, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  50. Autonomous Blocking Method Addressing Rogue User Terminals by Exploiting Photonic Gateway in Metro/Access Converged All-Photonics Network

    Presenter: Shin Kaneko, NTT Corporation, Japan

  51. 200 Gb/s/λ OOK PON Within Only 50 GHz Bandwidth Enabled by Spectrum Compression Filter Achieving 32 dB Power Budget

    Presenter: Chao Yang, China Information Communication Technologies Group Corporation, China

  52. Fiber-WiFi Coordinated Seamless Handover and Resource Allocation for Immersive XR Collaborations Over FTTR-B

    Presenter: SOURAV MONDAL, The University of Melbourne, Australia

  53. Silicon Photonics-Based Waveband Routing for Flexible Functional Splits

    Presenter: Takahiro Kodama, Kagawa University, Japan

  54. Polarization Based Fiber Optic Sensing and Monitoring in Real-Time IM-DD Based PON

    Presenter: Dora van Veen, Nokia Corporation, United States

  55. First Field Trial of FTTR Wi-Fi Inter-Domain Roaming Collaboration Based on Proposed Native Management and Control Architecture

    Presenter: Jinglong Zhu, China Mobile Research Institute, China

  56. Soil Salinity Monitoring Using Active Sensing in Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors

    Presenter: Steven Binder, The University of Georgia, United States

  57. Motion Reconstruction of an Inchworm Inspired Soft Robotic Climber Using Fiber Optic Sensors and Neural Network

    Presenter: Steven Binder, The University of Georgia, United States

12:30 — 13:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Standards Update on Higher Speed PON, latest OTN technologies and Interoperable Optical Interfaces

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

13:30 — 14:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Advances in International Standards on Optical Networks Towards 2030

Theater III

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Exhibit Hall Event

13:45 — 14:45 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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AIM Photonics Presents PICs, Heterogeneous Integration & Packaging for Next-Gen Integrated Photonics

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

14:00 — 16:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Advanced Packaging and Integrated Optics for Scale-Up AI interconnects I

Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Karl Bois, NVIDIA Corporation, United States

  2. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Vivek Raghuraman, Mixx Technologies, United States

  3. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Julie Sheridan Eng, Coherent Corp, United States

  4. -
    Critical Challenges and Design Choices in Massively Parallel Optical Links

    Presenter: Darrell Childers, US Conec Ltd, United States

  5. -
    Scalable Detachable Fiber Connectivity for Seamless Integration With Advanced Semiconductor Packaging

    Presenter: Hesham Taha, Teramount Ltd, Israel


Towards Operational Large-Scale Quantum Networks

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

Multi-Core Fibers

Presider: Takashi Matsui, NTT Corporation, Japan
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    Fabrication of Multicore Fibers From Large-Scale Preforms

    Presenter: Kay Schuster, Heraeus Comvance, Germany

  2. -
    16-Core MCF With Standard-Coating-Diameter for 1,600 Gbps Data Center Communication

    Presenter: shota kajikawa, Fujikura Ltd., Japan

  3. -
    Macro- and Micro-Bending Performances of Uncoupled 200 μm-Coated Multi-Core Fibers

    Presenter: Yuki Kawaguchi, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd, Japan

  4. -
    Dual-Comb-Enabled Locating and Assessment of Splicing Points in Heterogeneous Multicore Fiber

    Presenter: Chen Cheng, Huazhong University of Science and tech., China

  5. -
    Locating Excess Mode-Dependent Loss in Coupled Multi-Core Fibers Based on Coherent OTDR

    Presenter: Jumpei Hayakawa, NTT, Japan

  6. -
    Single Spectrum Cutoff Wavelength Measurement Method for Multicore Fibers

    Presenter: Elaine Chou, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan

  7. -
    N × 106.25 Gb/s PAM4 Transmission Using Multicore Graded-Index Plastic Optical Fiber

    Presenter: Kenta Muramoto, Keio University, Japan


Microring-Based Optical Computing

Presider: Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, United States
Room 207

  1. -
    Photonic Fabric for Memory and Compute Disaggregation

    Presenter: Subal Sahni, Celestial AI, United States

  2. -
    Scalable and Calibration-Free Microring Circuits Programming With Over 9-Bit Precision

    Presenter: Shaojie Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  3. -
    Photonic 4D-Convolution Tensor Core Based on Micro-Ring Mesh Architecture

    Presenter: jiang yue, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  4. -
    Experimental Demonstration of an Optical Neural PDE Solver via on-Chip PINN Training

    Presenter: Yequan Zhao, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, United States

  5. -
    Photonic Analog-to-Digital Architecture for Accelerating Multiply-Accumulate Operations

    Presenter: Nathaniel Nauman, Columbia University, United States

  6. -
    In-Memory Optical Computing With Non-Volatile Silicon Photonic Memory

    Presenter: Bassem Tossoun, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, United States


Optical Performance Monitoring and Longitudinal Power Monitoring

Presider: Ezra Ip, NEC Laboratories America Inc., United States
Room 208

  1. -
    Demonstration of Linear and Nonlinear SNR Estimation Using a Commercial Transponder

    Presenter: Vinod Bajaj, Nokia Bell Labs, France

  2. -
    Enhanced Fault Diagnosis Framework by Critical Time Data Capture

    Presenter: Qingyi Guo, Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada

  3. -
    Visualizing Longitudinal Evolution of Forward- and Backward-Raman-Amplified Power and Gain

    Presenter: Runa Kaneko, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Japan

  4. -
    SNR of Fiber-Longitudinal Power Monitor

    Presenter: Takeo Sasai, NTT, Japan

  5. -
    Implementation Penalties for Nonlinear Interference Estimation With Linear Least Squares Longitudinal Power Monitoring

    Presenter: Lorenzo Andrenacci, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  6. -
    Mitigation of Power Offset Induced by Hard-Decision-Error in Fiber Longitudinal Power Profile Estimation

    Presenter: Yingjie Jiang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  7. -
    Impact of BER on Longitudinal Power Profile Estimation and its Correction

    Presenter: Junho Chang, Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada

  8. -
    A Multi-Stage Method for Least-Square Based Longitudinal Power Profile Computation

    Presenter: Patricia Layec, Nokia Bell Labs, France


Switches and Control of Photonic Circuits

Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    Silicon 4×4×8λ Space-and-Wavelength Selective Optical Switch With Resonant Phase Shifters

    Presenter: Rui Ma, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

  2. -
    Broadband and Low-Crosstalk 2×2 Electro-Optic Switch via Micro-Transfer Printing TFLN on Si3N4

    Presenter: Jinwei Su, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  3. -
    Controlling Broadband and Resonant PICs With Many Components

    Presenter: Francesco Morichetti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

  4. -
    Input and Output Port-Adjacent Silicon Photonics PILOSS Switch for Wafer-Scale Optical Interconnections

    Presenter: Siim Heinsalu, National Institute of Advanced Industria, Japan

  5. -
    Dilated Crosspoint 4×4×4λ Optical Switch

    Presenter: Ziyao Zhang, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


Imaging and Shape Sensing

Presider: Abel Lorences-Riesgo, Huawei Technologies, France
Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    Subsurface Monitoring and Imaging Based on DAS

    Presenter: Ettore Biondi, California Institute of Technology, United States

  2. -
    Fiber Shape Sensing Using a Single-Core Standard Single-Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Pedro Tovar, Huawei Technologies Canada Co., Ltd., Canada

  3. -
    Ultra-Broadband High-Speed Wavelength-Swept DFB Laser Array and Precision Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Interrogation System

    Presenter: Yaqiang Fan, Nanjing University, China

  4. -
    Ultra-Weak Fiber Bragg Grating (UWFBG) Array With 7,560 Gratings for High-Resolution Distributed Sensing

    Presenter: Zhengqi Sun, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  5. -
    Twist-Compensation and Self-Calibration Method for High Accuracy DFBG-Based Shape Sensing

    Presenter: Weiliang Zhao, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  6. -
    Double-Effect Off-Axis Ring Bragg Gratings Inscribed by Femtosecond Laser for Curvature and Temperature Sensing

    Presenter: Chao He, Huazhong Unversity of Science and Techno, China

  7. -
    Enhancing φ-OFDR Sensing Distance and Accuracy Based on Synchronous Equal Frequency Resampling

    Presenter: Tianle Chen, Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech., China


Coherent and Direct Detect Transmission Technologies

Presider: Molly Piels, OpenLight Photonics, United States
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    A SiP O-Band Transmitter Implementing Polarization Compensation Enabling Remote Operation of the Carrier Laser

    Presenter: Aleksandar Nikic, McGill University, Canada

  2. -
    Silicon Photonics DWDM Transmitter With Heterogeneously Integrated Multiwavelength DFB Laser and SOA

    Presenter: Songtao Liu, Intel Corporation, United States

  3. -
    60 Tb/s Silicon Photonic Transmission Link Based on Ultrahigh-Coherence Microcomb

    Presenter: xuguang zhang, Peking University, China

  4. -
    25Gb/s Offset-QAM-4 Optical Transmitter Using Micro-Ring Modulators

    Presenter: Dan Sturm, University of Washington, United States

  5. -
    Plasmonics for Communication: Enabling 200 GBd Transmitters Through Co-Integration

    Presenter: Ueli Koch, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  6. -
    Advances Towards High-Speed, Low-Power, Transmission

    Presenter: David Plant, McGill University, Canada


Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) Transmission

Presider: Simon Rommel, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Room 215

  1. -
    Ultra-low Phase Noise Photonic-Generated Millimeter Wave to Overcome the Capacity Limitation in Electronic D-Band (110-170 GHz) Signal Generation

    Presenter: Zichuan Zhou, University College London, United Kingdom

  2. -
    Simplified FR3-Band Radio Signal Transmission With Data-Seeded Wideband Photonic RF Carrier Generation

    Presenter: Bernhard Schrenk, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria

  3. -
    Demonstration of Fiber-THz Mobile Fronthaul System Over a 200 m SIMO Wireless Link Employing Phase Matching and MRC Technology

    Presenter: Yuancheng Cai, Purple Mountain Laboratories, China

  4. -
    Toward 6G: Analog Fronthaul Solutions for Mobile Networks

    Presenter: Rafael Puerta, Ericsson, Sweden

  5. -
    Continuous and Capacity-Approaching Scaling Between SNR and Spectral Efficiency Enabled by FDM Fractional-Order Digital-Analog RoF

    Presenter: Yicheng Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  6. -
    Demonstration of Bidirectional W-Band Seamless Fiber-Wireless Integrated System Based on Full Photonic Up- & Down-Conversions at Fiber Optic Network Side

    Presenter: Boyu Dong, Fudan University, China

  7. -
    Fading-Free 2.58-Tb/s/λ CPRI-Equivalent Rate Analog IFoF Fronthaul Over 10-km Fiber Using TFLN DDMZM

    Presenter: Yixiao Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Sensing and Protection in Access Networks

Presider: Paul Wright, British Telecommunications, United Kingdom
Room 301

  1. -
    Coherent OFDR-Based Individual Fiber Identification and Event Detection Over a 21-km Passive Optical Distribution Network With a 1:32 Split

    Presenter: Lauren Dallachiesa, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  2. -
    Accelerating Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) Ecosystem Development in Metro and Access Networks

    Presenter: Jun Shan Wey, Verizon Communications Inc, United States

  3. -
    Wavelength and Code Orthogonality Based Distributed Acoustic Sensing Over a Passive Optical Network

    Presenter: Elie Awwad, Télécom Paris, IP Paris, France

  4. -
    DSP-Assisted in-Vivo Health Monitoring for ≥ 50G PON

    Presenter: Christoph Füllner, Nokia Bell labs, Germany

  5. -
    Enhancing Operational Security of Human-to-Machine Applications Through Concept Drift Detection

    Presenter: XIANGYU YU, University of Melbourne, Australia

  6. -
    Chaotic Digital Filter-Based Physical Layer Security in Seamlessly Converged Fiber-MmWave Access Networks

    Presenter: Jiaxiang He, Bangor University, United Kingdom

  7. -
    650 nm LED Integrated in PON Optical Sub Assembly for Future PON Management

    Presenter: Jeremy Potet, Orange, France


Specialty Fiber Devices I

Presider: Atsushi Nakamura, NTT Corporation, Japan
Room 304

  1. -
    Practical Wavelength Conversion Techniques Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers

    Presenter: Shigehiro Takasaka, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan

  2. -
    Experimental Comparison of S-Band Doped Fiber Amplifier, Lumped and Distributed Raman Amplifiers in a Long-Haul Coherent Transmission

    Presenter: Dini Pratiwi, Aston University, United Kingdom

  3. -
    Role of Dispersion Slope in Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers

    Presenter: Vladimir Gordienko, Aston University, United Kingdom

  4. -
    FOPA Performance Limitations Due to Pump Phase Modulation

    Presenter: Mariia Bastamova, Aston University, United Kingdom

  5. -
    High-Isolation and Low-Crosstalk Optical-Circulator-Based 2-Core Fan-out Device

    Presenter: Yuta Wakayama, KDDI Research, Japan

  6. -
    Advanced Infrared Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers: Circumnavigating the Earth With All-Optical Unregenerated Lightwave Transmission

    Presenter: Robert Tench, RET and Associates LLC, United States

16:30 — 18:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


Advanced Packaging and Integrated Optics for Scale-Up AI interconnects II

Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Sylvie Menezo, SCINTIL Photonics, France

  2. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Peter O'Brien, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

  3. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Noam Ophir, Jabil Circuit, United States


In Future Fixed Access, is Monitoring Built in For Free?

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

SDM Fiber Cables

Presider: Lauren Dallachiesa, Nokia Bell Labs, United States
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    Deployment and Installation of Multi-Core Fiber Cable to Terrestrial Field

    Presenter: Takayoshi Mori, NTT Corp., Japan

  2. -
    Experimental Verification of Correlation Length Coefficient by 3-D Measurement of Optical Fibers in High-Density Cable

    Presenter: Masashi Kikuchi, NTT Corporation, Japan

  3. -
    Behavior of Inter-Core Crosstalk of Two-Core Fiber in Submarine Cable

    Presenter: Yuki Kawaguchi, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd, Japan

  4. -
    Characterization of the First Field-Deployed Weakly-Coupled Few-Mode Fiber Cable

    Presenter: Lei Shen, State Key Laboratory of Optical Fiber and Cable Manufacture Technology, YOFC, China

  5. -
    Impact of Recent Fiber Technologies on Undersea Systems

    Presenter: Dmitriy Kovsh, SubCom Customer Solutions, United States


Non-MZI/MRR Photonics for Computing (Processor or Switch)

Presider: Shu Namiki, Natl Inst of Adv Industrial Sci & Tech, Japan
Room 207

  1. -
    Analog Optical Computing for Sustainable AI and Beyond

    Presenter: Francesca Parmigiani, Microsoft Research Cambridge, United Kingdom

  2. -
    A Time-Space-Wavelength Multiplexed AWGR-Based Photonic Tensor Core Using WDM SiGe EAM Array Chiplets

    Presenter: Antonios Prapas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

  3. -
    Demonstration of Tunable and Reconfigurable All-Optical Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using Nonlinear Wave Mixing

    Presenter: Wing Ko, University of Southern California, United States

  4. -
    167Gbps 1×16 Programmable Visible Light Optical Switching for Data Center Optical Interconnects

    Presenter: Fujie Li, Fudan University, China

  5. -
    Optical AllReduce: Ready to Eliminate Intra-DC in-Cast Vulnerability for Deep Learning Training

    Presenter: Yuepeng Wu, BUPT, China

  6. -
    Photonic Computing and Switching Using Generic and Membrane InP Photonic Integration

    Presenter: Ripalta Stabile, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands


Advanced Optical and Electronic Techniques in Transmission

Presider: Masanori Nakamura, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Japan
Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    Experimental Demonstration of Nonlinearity Mitigation by Phase Conjugation and Digital Chromatic Dispersion Management Using Wavelength Converter DSP

    Presenter: Shoma Tateno, NEC, Japan

  2. -
    Plasmonic PIC for High Baud Rate Transmission

    Presenter: Benedikt Baeuerle, Polariton Technologies Ltd, Switzerland

  3. -
    Transmission Distance Extension by Using Wideband Incoherent Forward Pump in Bidirectional Distributed Raman Amplification Compared to Coherent Pump

    Presenter: Daichi Ogata, Furukawa Electric co., Ltd., Japan

  4. -
    Experimental Demonstration of MPI-Penalty-Free S-Band Transmission Over G.654.E Fibres

    Presenter: Romulo Aparecido de Paula Junior, University College London, United Kingdom

  5. -
    Digital I/Q Signal Processing Technology Enabling High Symbol Rate Transmission Systems

    Presenter: Takayuki Kobayashi, NTT Corp., Japan


Digital Twins in Network Control and Management

Presider: Yvan Pointurier, Huawei, France
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    Digital Twin and AI Agent for Autonomous Optical Networks

    Presenter: Qunbi Zhuge, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  2. -
    Inputs Refinement With Incremental Learning for Accurate Digital Twin of Optical Networks

    Presenter: Xin YANG, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

  3. -
    QoT Digital Twin for Bridging Physical Layer Knowledge Gaps in Multi-Domain Networks

    Presenter: RENATO AMBROSONE, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  4. -
    Filtering Impairments-Aware Digital Twin for SNR Prediction Over Network Life-Cycle

    Presenter: Reda Ayassi, Huawei Technologies, France

  5. -
    Machine Learning Based Failure Prediction for Optical Network Digital Twins

    Presenter: Camille Delezoide, Nokia Bell Labs, France


Machine Learning DSP

Presider: Gabriele Liga, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Room 215

  1. -
    Recent Advances on Machine Learning-Aided DSP for Short-Reach and Long-Haul Optical Communications

    Presenter: Laurent Schmalen, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany

  2. -
    Blind Equalization in Dynamic PMD Channels Using Variational Autoencoders With LSTM

    Presenter: José Núñez Kasaneva, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

  3. -
    Experimental Demonstration of End-to-End Optimization for Directly Modulated Laser-Based IM/DD Systems

    Presenter: Sergio Hernandez, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

  4. -
    Digital Pre-Distortion for Drivers and SOAs Nonlinearities Enabling Power Budget Extension

    Presenter: Xiaohui ZHAO, politecnico di Milano, Italy

  5. -
    Non-Linear Equalization in 112 Gb/s PONs Using Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

    Presenter: Rodrigo Fischer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  6. -
    Novel ML-Assisted Optical Equalization Photonic Integrated Circuit for High-Speed IM/DD Systems

    Presenter: George Brestas, Photonics Communications Research Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece


CV-QKD and Frequency Combs

Room 301

  1. -
    Demonstration of Non-Orthogonal Pilot Multiplexing for Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution

    Presenter: Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Nokia Bell Labs France, France

  2. -
    Field Trials of CVQKD Using 10-MHz Linewidth LO Based on Optical Injection Locking

    Presenter: Jinpeng Liao, Sun yat-sen university, China

  3. -
    Experimental Evidence of Multimode Quantum Correlations in Bright SiN Microcombs

    Presenter: Virginia D'Auria, Université Côte d'Azur, France

  4. -
    273.067 Mbps Gaussian-Modulated Dual-Polarization Continuous-Variable Quantum key Distribution Over 10 km Fiber

    Presenter: Tao Zhang, Institute of Southwestern Communication, China

  5. -
    Discrete-Modulated CVQKD With Composable Security

    Presenter: Adnan Hajomer, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

  6. -
    40-km Mbps Discrete-Modulated Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution With Constellation Shaping Pre-Optimization

    Presenter: Yiming Bian, Beijing University of Posts &Telecomm., China

  7. -
    Impact of Pilot-Aided Signal Schemes on Practical CV-QKD Security

    Presenter: Utku Akin, Adva Network Security GmbH, Germany


Specialty Fiber Devices II

Presider: Victor Kopp, Chiral Photonics Inc, United States
Room 304

  1. -
    All-Polarization-Maintaining Ultrafast Fiber Lasers

    Presenter: Qian Li, Peking Univ., China

  2. -
    Efficient SMF-to-MCF Power Splitter Using Multimode Interference in Square Core Fiber

    Presenter: Sijing Liang, Optoelectronics Research Centre, United Kingdom

  3. -
    Bidirectional 4-Core MC-EDFA Featuring Integrated Optical Components and Inter-Core Optical Loopback Function

    Presenter: Hitoshi Takeshita, NEC Corpration, Japan

  4. -
    Novel Core-Pumped Multicore Fiber Amplifier Integrated With Energy-Efficient Pump Light Distributor

    Presenter: Sijing Liang, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

  5. -
    Fiber Sensing With Structured Light Beams

    Presenter: Juliet Gopinath, Univ. of Colorado Boulder, United States

  6. -
    First Demonstration of Multicore Fiber Long Period Gratings Using Femtosecond Laser Direct Inscription Technique

    Presenter: Mingjing Xu, shanghai jiao tong university, China

16:30 — 18:45 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Integrated Sensing and Communication in RoF/FSO

Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    Multi-Channel Photonic Integrated Radio-Over-Fiber Frequency Converter for Multi-Beam Antennas

    Presenter: Filippo Scotti, CNIT, Italy

  2. -
    120 Gbps PDM-16QAM Signal Outdoor Transmission Over 850 Meters 2×2 MIMO Wireless Link at 300 GHz

    Presenter: Weiping Li, Fudan University, China

  3. -
    A Crossbar-Based Coherent Silicon Photonic MIMO Processor for Wireless Communications

    Presenter: Stefanos Kovaios, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

  4. -
    Blind MIMO Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoder Equalizer for Free-Space Coherent Optical Transmission

    Presenter: Guojin Qin, Fudan University, China

  5. -
    Demonstration of D-Band Wireless Transmission Over 30.2 km Distance Based on Photonic-Assisted Scheme

    Presenter: mingxu wang, fudan university, China

  6. -
    Photonic Terahertz Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) Systems

    Presenter: Lu Zhang, Zhejiang University, China

  7. -
    Integrated Communications and Sensing in a 1.8 km FSO Field Trial: Stokes-Based SOP Monitoring and Tracking at 400 Gbps

    Presenter: Sara Mantey, Instituto De Telecomunicacoes and University of Aveiro, Portugal

  8. -
    A THz/FSO Fusion Transmission System With Shared Transmitter and Communication Link

    Presenter: Qinyi Zhang, Fudan University, China