• Technical Conference:  30 March – 03 April 2025
  • Exhibition: 01 – 03 April 2025
  • Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA
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Tuesday, 01 April

07:00 — 18:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Registration Open

South Lobby

Special Event

08:00 — 10:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Joint Plenary Session

Esplanade Ballroom

10:30 — 12:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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The Art of Writing the Perfect OFC Paper

Room 104

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Special Event

10:45 — 11:45 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Lighting the Path to Exascale AI: Photonics in High-Performance Clusters

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

11:00 — 12:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Optical Solutions for Open Cloud RAN with 6G

Theater III

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Exhibit Hall Event

Optica Tech Talk: Thin Film Lithium Niobate: 2025 Update

Optica Membership Booth #4401

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Exhibit Hall Event

Building, Maintaining, and Leveraging Your Professional Network

Career Zone, North Lobby

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Special Event

12:00 — 15:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Career Zone Professional Headshots

Career Zone, North Lobby

Special Event

12:15 — 12:45 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Technology Showcase: Optimized Interconnect for Ethernet Scale-Out and Scale-Up

Theater III

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Exhibit Hall Event Technology Showcase

Presented By

12:30 — 14:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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OFC and Co-Sponsors Awards Ceremony and Luncheon

Yerba Buena Ballroom

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Special Event

13:00 — 13:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Technology Showcase: Lighting the Future, Open Optical Networking at the Intersection of AI and Photonics

Theater III

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Exhibit Hall Event Technology Showcase

Presented By

14:00 — 15:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Optica Tech Talk: Using Optics for Signal Processing

Optica Membership Booth #4401

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Exhibit Hall Event

14:00 — 16:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Hybrid Satellite/Terrestrial Networks: Where Does the Fiber End, and Satellite Take Over? I

Moderator: Dirk Van Den Borne, Juniper Networks Inc., Germany
Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Where Does Fiber Technology Ends, and Specific Satellite Technology Takes Over?

    Presenter: Sebastien Bigo, Nokia Bell Labs, France

  2. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: C. Randy Giles, Optica, United States

  3. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Ludovic Blarre, Airbus Helicopters, France


Open-Access Design Platforms for PICs: Driving Sustainable Innovation

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

Summit on Optics for AI Datacenters

Presider: Thomas Greer, NVIDIA Corporation, United States
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    Forward-Looking Technologies for AI/ML Datacenter Clusters

    Presenter: Katharine Schmidtke, Eribel Systems LLC, United States

  2. -
    LPO Technology: System Integration Insights, Progress, and Challenges

    Presenter: Yi Tang, Cisco Systems Inc., United States

  3. -
    Translating AI/ML System Architecture Into Optical Requirements

    Presenter: Craig Thompson, NVIDIA Corp., United States

  4. -
    Silicon Photonics and Advanced 3-D Assembly for Short-Reach Optical Interconnects

    Presenter: Joris Van Campenhout, IMEC, Belgium


Quantum and Classical Security

Presider: Andrew Lord, BT Applied Research, United Kingdom
Room 207

  1. -
    Quantum-Safe MACsec Connectivity to Public Cloud Providers in a Metropolitan Network Over Deployed Fiber

    Presenter: Obada Alia, JP Morgan Chase, Singapore

  2. -
    First Demonstration of 200 Gbps Regime Line-Rate Quantum-Secure MACsec Optical Links Using Commodity Hardware Offloads

    Presenter: Abraham Cano Aguilera, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands

  3. -
    91.1 Gbit/s Quantum Resistant IPsec Programmable Encryptor

    Presenter: Carlos Rubio Garcia, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

  4. -
    Bi-Directional Coexistence of C-Band Quantum Channel With Quantum-Safe IPsec DWDM Classical Channels in a Metropolitan Network

    Presenter: Obada Alia, JP Morgan Chase, Singapore

  5. -
    Integration of Quantum Key Distribution in a 20-km 32-User Coherent Passive Optical Network With Single Feeder Fiber

    Presenter: Jing Wang, CableLabs, United States

  6. -
    Latency of Multipartite Entanglement Distribution in a Quantum SDN Architecture

    Presenter: Anuj Gore, University College London, United Kingdom

  7. -
    QKD Networks in China

    Presenter: Qiang Zhang, Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China


Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers I

Presider: John Ballato, Clemson University, United States
Room 208

  1. -
    EDFAs: Ongoing Frontier of Practical Amplifier Development

    Presenter: Thomas Strasser, Infinera Corp., United States

  2. -
    Optimization of Gain Profile of Super-C Band EDFA Using Neural Network and Simplified Physical Models

    Presenter: Lixian Wang, Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada

  3. -
    EDFA Gain Profile Prediction Under off-Target Channel add/Drop

    Presenter: Yang Lan, Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada

  4. -
    Validity of the McCumber Theory at Low Temperatures for Erbium Doped Alumino-Germanosilicate Fibers

    Presenter: Inga Rittner, Chair for High Frequency Technology, TU Dortmund University, Germany

  5. -
    Impact of Fluctuations of Er-Doped Preforms Properties on the Performances of Multi-Core Amplifiers for Submarine Applications.

    Presenter: Martin Deduytschaever, PhLAM- Université de Lille, France


Modulation and Coding

Presider: Georg Böcherer, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany
Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    On Optimal Probabilistically Shaped Constellations for Unamplified Optical Interconnects

    Presenter: Basak Ozaydin, MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, United States

  2. -
    A Novel Flexible LUT-Based Hierarchical Distribution Matcher for Rate Adaptable Probabilistic Constellation Shaping

    Presenter: Zulin Liu, Beijing University of Posts & Telecom, China

  3. -
    Performance-Complexity-Latency Trade-Offs of Concatenated RS-SDBCH Codes

    Presenter: Alvin Sukmadji, University of Toronto, Canada

  4. -
    A Novel PS-QAM Signaling With Iterative Decoding for Higher Spectral Efficiencies

    Presenter: Hussam Batshon, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  5. -
    Impact of Line-Side and Client-Side Errors Using Iterative and Non-Iterative Decoding for Concatenated KP4-BCH FEC

    Presenter: Matthias Herrmann, Infinera, Germany

  6. -
    Iterative Logistic Weight Based Chase Decoder for Open Forward Error Correction

    Presenter: Yifei Shen, EPFL, Switzerland

  7. -
    Cost-Gain Analysis of Sequence Selection for Nonlinearity Mitigation

    Presenter: Stella Civelli, CNR, Italy


Filters, Multiplexers and Resonators

Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    Manufacturable Inverse Designed Si Photonic Devices

    Presenter: Yi-Kuei Wu, Google X, United States

  2. -
    Ultra-Compact Silicon Rings With High Thermal Tuning Efficiency Demonstrated as an 8×400 GHz WDM Filter

    Presenter: Qingzhong Deng, IMEC, Belgium

  3. -
    A High-Order Lattice Filter With Enhanced Passband and Roll-off for CWDM4 Applications

    Presenter: Min Teng, Innolight Technology, China

  4. -
    Ultra-Narrow-Bandwidth Silicon Photonic Tunable Second-Order CROW Filter With Low Insertion Loss for Carrier-Extracted Self-Coherent (CESC) Detection

    Presenter: Haojie Zhu, Westlake University, China

  5. -
    Broadband Tunable Microwave Photonic Filter Utilizing Equivalent Chirped Sampled Bragg Gratings for Optical Frequency Division.

    Presenter: Simeng Zhu, Univeristy of Glasgow, United Kingdom

  6. -
    Dispersion-Engineered Resonator-Based Interleaver Co-Designed With Kerr Comb Source

    Presenter: Robert Parsons, Columbia University, United States

  7. -
    7-Source×6-Mode Micro-Scale Photonic Lantern Multiplexer 3D-Printed on MM VCSEL Array

    Presenter: Dan Marom, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Optical Network Optimization and Routing

Presider: Jiawei Zhang, Beijing University of Posts & Telecom, China
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    Robust Optimization of Filterless Optical Networks With Physical Layer Uncertainties

    Presenter: Mohammad Hosseini, Infinera GmbH, Germany

  2. -
    Demonstration of Multigranular-Routing Layered Network With Impairment-Aware Modulation Format Selection

    Presenter: Hayato Yuasa, Nagoya University, Japan

  3. -
    Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Optical Transport Networks Through Autonomous AI-Assisted Control Operations

    Presenter: Ricardo Martínez, Centre Tecnològic Telecom de Catalunya, Spain

  4. -
    Near-Real-Time Autonomous Multi-Path Flow Routing With Subflow Identification

    Presenter: Luis Velasco, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

  5. -
    Dynamic Optimization in SDN-Enabled EONs With CV-QKD Coexistence

    Presenter: Carlos Hernandez-Chulde, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain

  6. -
    TrustOPT: Trusted Online Optimization for Autonomous Driving Optical Networks With Field-Trial Demonstration

    Presenter: Qizhi Qiu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  7. -
    Toward Trusted Optical Communications With Optical Physical Unclonable Functions and Blockchain

    Presenter: Luis Velasco, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain


Coherent PON Optimization

Presider: Haipeng Zhang, CableLabs, United States
Room 215

  1. -
    200G Coherent TFDM-PON With Flexible Subcarrier Reception Using Simplified ONU and MHz DFB Laser

    Presenter: Yixiao Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  2. -
    Low-Complexity PAPR Reduction Based on Partial Transmit Subcarrier Technology in 400G Coherent TFDM PON

    Presenter: Penghao Luo, Fudan University, China

  3. -
    Enhanced DC Leakage Tolerance for 200G Simplified Coherent TDM-PON in Upstream Burst-Mode Detection

    Presenter: An yan, Fudan university, China

  4. -
    Preamble Design for Online IQ Skew Estimation in Burst-Mode DSP for 400G Coherent TFDM-PON Upstream

    Presenter: junhao zhao, Fudan University, China

  5. -
    Low-Complexity 100G Burst-Mode TDMA-CPON Transmission Achieving 38 dB Link Budget

    Presenter: Ognjen Jovanovic, Adtran Networks SE, Germany

  6. -
    224 Gbit/s Coherent PON Downstream Using a Wavelength-Uncalibrated LO and Blind Locking During ONU Startup

    Presenter: Md Mosaddek Hossain Adib, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany

  7. -
    Blind Channel Equalizer-Based Suppression of Interference From Non-Transmitting ONUs in Upstream Coherent PON

    Presenter: Wouter Lanneer, Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium

  8. -
    Experimental Demonstration of APD-Based Simplified Coherent Receiver for 100Gbit/s/λ Coherent PON Downstream Transmission

    Presenter: Haiqiang WEI, Photonics Research Institute, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China, Hong Kong


Modulator Structures with EML, Thin Film LN and Ring-Based

Presider: Liu Liu, Zhejiang University, China
Room 301

  1. -
    A Wavelength Locking System of Microring Modulator for PAM4 Modulation Assisted by Bit-Error-Rate Searching

    Presenter: Yuchen Shi, Zhejiang University, China

  2. -
    413 Gbits/s PAM-6 O-Band CWDM Electroabsorption Modulated Lasers for 400G per Lane IM-DD Applications

    Presenter: Prashanth Bhasker, Broadcom Inc, United States

  3. -
    High Speed EML and Assembly Techniques for GPU Cluster System

    Presenter: mizuki shirao, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan

  4. -
    Dual-Band 390 Gbps High Coupling Efficiency Thin Film Lithium Niobate Modulator With 3-dB Bandwidth Exceeding 110 GHz

    Presenter: Yutong He, Tsinghua University, China

  5. -
    Ultra-Compact and High-Speed Topological Photonic Crystal Modulator Based on Thin Film Lithium Niobate

    Presenter: Guanyu Chen, Chongqing University, China

  6. -
    Monolithical Equalization-Modulation in Optical Transmitter for High-Rate Data Link

    Presenter: Yichen Wu, Peking University, China

  7. -
    High-Speed 340 Gbps PAM4 and 450 Gbps PAM6 Operations of Narrow High-Mesa EML

    Presenter: Shinya Okuda, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Corporation, Japan


Stable Lasers and Applications in Fiber Sensing

Presider: Nazanin Hoghooghi, NIST Boulder, United States
Room 304

  1. -
    Modulation-Free Laser Stabilization With Extended Locking Range on a SiN Chip

    Presenter: Mohamad Hossein Idjadi, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  2. -
    Demonstration of MIMO-DFS Over 100km of Unamplified SSMF Link Using Active Laser Drift Stabilization and Optimized Probing Codes

    Presenter: Rajiv Boddeda, Nokia Bell Labs France, France

  3. -
    Ultrastable Lasers With Compact and Portable Optical Reference Cavities

    Presenter: Franklyn Quinlan, National Inst of Standards & Technology, United States

  4. -
    Integrated Sensing and Communications Using External Cavity Laser With Laser Frequency Comb

    Presenter: Liwang LU, The HK Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  5. -
    Dual-Wavelength φ-OFDR Using a Hybrid-Integrated Laser Stabilized to an Integrated SiN Coil Resonator

    Presenter: Mohamad Hossein Idjadi, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  6. -
    Frequency Dissemination With Fibers

    Presenter: Jochen Kronjaeger, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany

14:30 — 15:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Open ROADM MSA Updates and Demonstration

Theater III

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Exhibit Hall Event

15:00 — 16:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Optica Tech Talk: Fiber Optics

Optica Membership Booth #4401

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Exhibit Hall Event

Career Zone Social Hour

Career Zone, North Lobby

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Special Event

16:00 — 17:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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The Journey to Optimize Converged IP and Optical

Theater I

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Exhibit Hall Event

Presented By

The Emerging Photonics Ecosystem for AI/ML Interconnects

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

16:30 — 18:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Hybrid Satellite/Terrestrial Networks: Where Does the Fiber End, and Satellite Take Over? II

Moderator: Jim Zou, Adtran, Germany
Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Katsuaki Higashimori, NTT Corporation, Japan

  2. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Katarzyna Balakier, European Space Agency, United Kingdom

  3. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Jeetesh K. Jain, Microsoft Azure, United States


Crafting Fiber Access Networks for Service Excellence Assurance

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

Novel Subsystem Concepts

Presider: Dario Pilori, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    Performance Limits of Spectro-Temporal Unitary Transformations for Coherent Modulation

    Presenter: Callum Deakin, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  2. -
    Numerical Investigation of Modulo-Based Analog-to-Digital Conversion for PCS-64-QAM

    Presenter: Zhiwei Liang, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  3. -
    Integrated Sensing and Communications for Metropolitan Environments

    Presenter: Alan Pak Tao Lau, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  4. -
    Phase-Coherent DSP Over Space and Wavelength Using Synchronized Optical Frequency Combs for Short-Reach Networks

    Presenter: Daniele Orsuti, NICT, Japan

  5. -
    Real-Time Transmission of Coherent Pluggable-Based Super-Channels Over 1500-km With 6.06-b/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency Using Digital Subcarriers

    Presenter: Amir Rashidinejad, Infinera Inc. Canada, Canada

  6. -
    Experimental Validation of Partitioned MIMO Equalizer With Low-Resolution Interface for Mitigation of Mode-Group Coupling in SDM Transmission Over 3-Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Nicolas Braig-Christophersen, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

  7. -
    6-Dimensional Coherent Receiver With IQ Modulated LO

    Presenter: Yixiao Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Practical Quantum Networks and Coexistence

Room 207

  1. -
    Coexistence of Entanglement-Based Quantum Channels With DWDM Classical Channels Over Hollow Core Fiber in a Three Node Quantum Communication Network

    Presenter: Marcus Clark, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

  2. -
    Coexistence Transmission of 33.4-Tb/s O-Band Coherent Classical Channels and a C-Band QKD Channel Over 80 km

    Presenter: Shohei Beppu, KDDI Research Inc., Japan

  3. -
    Recent Progress in Practical Quantum Key Distribution

    Presenter: Davide Bacco, Univ. of Florence, Italy

  4. -
    Coexistence of Commercial CV-QKD in FOADM-Based Metro Networks With Full or Partial C-Band Utilization

    Presenter: Antonio Melgar, Telefónica CTIO, Spain

  5. -
    Challenges and Solutions in Adapting Classical Infrastructure for Quantum Networks

    Presenter: Anouar Rahmouni, NIST, United States


Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers II

Presider: Peter Dragic, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
Room 208

  1. -
    Advances in Doped Fiber Amplifiers for Wideband Optical Communication Systems

    Presenter: Jayanta Sahu, Univ. of Southampton, United Kingdom

  2. -
    Study on Pump and Signal-Induced Polarization Dependent Gain in Bismuth-Doped Fiber for E/S Band Amplification

    Presenter: Lixian Wang, Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada

  3. -
    Dual-Stage E+S-Band Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier With Over 100 nm Bandwidth and sub-5 dB Noise Figure

    Presenter: Shabnam Noor, Aston University, United Kingdom

  4. -
    Nonlinear Dynamics of Thulium-Doped Fiber Lasers

    Presenter: Michelle Sander, Boston Univ., United States

  5. -
    Variable Temperature and Pump Power Semi-Analytical Gain Model for GFF-Embedded Single-Stage EDFAs

    Presenter: Andrea D Amico, NEC Laboratories America Inc., United States

  6. -
    Fabrication of Low Loss Telecom-Band Nanofiber Cavity With Deuterium-Oxygen Flame

    Presenter: Seitaro Horikawa, Nanofiber Quantum Technologies, Inc. (NanoQT), Japan


Optical AI Evaluation and Sensing

Presider: Tomoyuki Kato, Fujitsu Ltd, Japan
Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    Programmable in-Memory Photonic Computing With VCSEL-Controlled PCMs

    Presenter: Yi Guo, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  2. -
    Scalable Photonic Complex-Valued Dot Product Engine

    Presenter: Hao Sun, INRS-EMT, Canada

  3. -
    Hardware-in-the-Loop Training of a 4f Optical Correlator With Logarithmic Complexity Reduction for CNNs

    Presenter: Lorenzo Pes, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

  4. -
    Efficient Photonic Convolution Accelerator With Kernels Loaded by Analog Signal

    Presenter: Wenting Jiao, Zhejiang LAB, China

  5. -
    Integration of Distributed Sensing Into Optical Coherent Networks Through Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access

    Presenter: Jingchuan WANG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  6. -
    Field-Trial of Real-Time Pulse-Based DAS and 400G Coherent DWDM Coexistence

    Presenter: Giuseppe Rizzelli Martella, Photonext Center, Italy

  7. -
    Novel Fiber Micro- and Nanostructures for Ultrasensitive Sensors and Photonic Devices

    Presenter: Yuliya Semenova, Technological University Dublin, Ireland


Optical Interconnect Technologies

Presider: Janet Chen, NVIDIA Corporation, United States
Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    TSMC in the Silicon Photonics Era - an Electrical Perspective

    Presenter: Mikael Sahrling, TSMC Technology Inc., United States

  2. -
    Intel 300mm Heterogeneously Integrated Silicon Photonics Technology: a Review of Recent Progress

    Presenter: Kejia Li, Intel Corporation, United States

  3. -
    High Speed Optical Interconnect Technologies for AI/ML Applications

    Presenter: Hideyuki Nasu, Furukawa Electric Corp., Japan

  4. -
    Simplified Coherent Transceiver Based on DFB Lasers and TFLN Chip for the Next Generation Coherent PON

    Presenter: zifeng chen, Huahzhong University of Science and Tecl, China

  5. -
    Optical Interconnects for AI Computing Applications

    Presenter: Chongjin Xie, PhotonicX AI, Singapore


MZI-Based Optical Processors

Presider: Angelina Totovic, Celestial AI, Greece
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    Recent Advances in Photonic Neural Networks Using Large-Scale Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Presenter: Guangwei Cong, AIST, Japan

  2. -
    Silicon Photonic Neuromorphic Processor for 100-Gbaud/λ Optical Communications and Beyond

    Presenter: Benshan WANG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  3. -
    Large-Scale Calibration-Free Mach–Zehnder Networks

    Presenter: Lijia Song, Zhejiang University, China


Advanced Transmission Technologies

Presider: Dirk Van Den Borne, Juniper Networks Inc., Germany
Room 215

  1. -
    Reliable Deployment and Operation of 400ZR Pluggable Optics for DCI at Hyperscale

    Presenter: Jeetesh Jain, Microsoft Corp., United States

  2. -
    800G WDM Transmission With 140-GBaud PCS-16QAM Transceiver Prototype and 150-GHz Channel Spacing on 2000-km SSMF With EDFA Only

    Presenter: Erwan Pincemin, Orange Innovation, France

  3. -
    Hollow-Core Fiber Specifications for Competitive Deployment in Regio/Long-Haul Optical Networks.

    Presenter: Bruno Araujo Correia, Infinera, Unipessoal Lda, Portugal

  4. -
    Improving QoT Estimation Accuracy in Production Networks: a Data-Driven Approach to Address OLS Imperfections

    Presenter: zhai qun, Alibaba, China

  5. -
    Advanced Multi-Span Signal Monitoring Using Digital Coherent Receivers

    Presenter: Takeshi Hoshida, Fujitsu Ltd, Japan

  6. -
    Multi-Span OSNR and GSNR Prediction Using Cascaded Learning

    Presenter: Zehao Wang, Duke Univeristy, United States


Integarted Micro-Ring and Micro-Disk Modulators

Presider: Joyce Poon, Lightmatter, Canada
Room 301

  1. -
    256-Gbps Whispering-Gallery Mode Enhanced Silicon Microring Modulator With a Free Spectral Range of 4.5 THz

    Presenter: Kaihang Lu, Hong Kong Univ of Sci & Tech (Guangzhou), China

  2. -
    180Gb/s High-Speed Electroabsorption Modulator (EAM) Integrated With DFB Laser Using Traveling-Wave Electrode for Bandwidth Enhancment

    Presenter: Yi-jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

  3. -
    Silicon Photonics Platform and Optical Memory

    Presenter: Yuan Yuan, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, United States

  4. -
    Micro-Transfer Printed Membrane Laser and Electro-Absorption Modulator on Si Waveguide Integrated With Polymer Spot-Size Converter

    Presenter: Yoshiho Maeda, NTT Corporation, Japan

  5. -
    Record 4 x 106 Gbps Transmission From a Directly Modulated Laser Array Using Photon-Photon Resonance

    Presenter: Gayatri Vasudevan Rajeswari, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

  6. -
    Monolithically Integrated Microring Transmitter and Receiver for High-Density 3D Co-Packaged Optics

    Presenter: Reza Baghdadi, Lightmatter, United States

  7. -
    Compact WDM Coherent Transmitter Using Silicon Micro-Ring Modulators

    Presenter: Shuntaro Maeda, The University of Tokyo, Japan


Modelling for Ultra-Wideband Transmission

Presider: Gabriel Charlet, Huawei Technologies France, France
Room 304

  1. -
    Efficient Numerical Solver for Estimating Power Profiles in UWB Transmission Considering Signal and Pump Depletion

    Presenter: Inwoong Kim, Fujitsu Network Communications Inc, United States

  2. -
    Recent Advances in Real-Time Models for Multiband Transmission Systems

    Presenter: Pierluigi Poggiolini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  3. -
    Signal and Raman Pump Launch Power Optimization in a C+L+S+E System Using Fast Power Profile Estimation

    Presenter: Yanchao JIANG, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  4. -
    Maximizing Throughput by Band-Wise Bidirectional SCLU Transmission With Lumped Amplification

    Presenter: Olga Vassilieva, Fujitsu Network Communications Inc, United States

  5. -
    Performance Limits of Ultrawideband High-Speed Optical Fiber Transmission

    Presenter: Polina Bayvel, University College London, United Kingdom

18:30 — 20:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Conference Reception

Yerba Buena Ballroom

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Special Event

19:30 — 21:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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If a Global Disaster Struck and all the Optical Infrastructure was Wiped Out, Would You Rebuild with Today’s Mainstream Technologies?

Rooms 205-206

Special Event