• Technical Conference:  30 March – 03 April 2025
  • Exhibition: 01 – 03 April 2025
  • Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA
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Thursday, 03 April

07:30 — 16:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Registration Open

South Lobby

Special Event

08:00 — 10:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Machine Learning for Network Operations

Presider: Qiong Zhang, Amazon Web Services, United States
Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Generative AI for Network Operations

    Presenter: Jin Wang, AT&T Corp, United States

  2. -
    First Field Trial of LLM-Powered AI Agent for Lifecycle Management of Autonomous Driving Optical Networks

    Presenter: Xiaomin Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  3. -
    Field Trial of Multi-Datacenter Distributed Training for LLM Based on Bandwidth Convergence and Two Parallel Strategies Over 120km High-Reliability 800Gbit/s C+L OTN

    Presenter: Yuyang Liu, China Telecom Research Institute, China

  4. -
    Large Language Model for Optical Network Automation: Prospects and Challenges

    Presenter: Danshi Wang, Beijing University of Posts & Telecom, China


Weather Resilient Communications of the Future

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

Optical Computing

Presider: Adonis Bogris, University of West Attica, Greece
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    Optical Computing: Principles, Examples, and Prospects

    Presenter: Peter McMahon, Cornell University, United States

  2. -
    TOPS-Speed Optical Tensor Convolutional Accelerator for Feature Extraction and Inference Based on Micro-Comb

    Presenter: Yixuan Zheng, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  3. -
    Photonic Transposed Convolution Accelerator Based on Micro-Combs

    Presenter: Chengzhuo Xia, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  4. -
    GAN-Generated AI Leveraging High-Speed Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Time-Wavelength Interleaved Block

    Presenter: Lin Wang, Zhejiang Lab, China

  5. -
    Arrays of Non-Volatile III-v/Si Micro-Ring Lasers for Memory Search Applications

    Presenter: Stanley Cheung, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, United States


Coherent for Datacenters

Presider: Jeffrey Rahn, Meta Platforms Inc, United States
Room 207

  1. -
    A Low Complexity Symbol-Rate Joint Equalization and Timing Recovery Scheme for Short-Reach Coherent Systems

    Presenter: Yuyuan Gao, University of Science and Technology Being, China

  2. -
    Colorless Detection of a 3.2-Tb/s-Class WDM Superchannel Aiming for Uncooled Coherent Optics

    Presenter: Di Che, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  3. -
    Demonstration of Bidirectional 200G DCI Based on Ultimate-Simplified Lite-Coherent Detection With Optical Injection Locking

    Presenter: Qijun Bian, Fudan University, China

  4. -
    Modulated Remote LO Enabled 1.92-Tb/s 5-Dimensional Coherent Transmission Over 10-km SSMF

    Presenter: Xiansong Fang, Peking University, China

  5. -
    Beyond 1-Tbs PS-64QAM Coherent-Lite DCI Transmission Using Low-Cost DFB Lasers and Vectorized DDCPE

    Presenter: Chen Wang, Fudan University, China

  6. -
    A Blind and Low-Complexity Tx/Rx IQ Skew and XY Skew Calibration for High-Speed Coherent Optical Transceiver

    Presenter: Hongyu Li, huazhong univ. of science and technology, China

  7. -
    Spectrally-Efficient 700.4-Gb/s/λ Optical Interconnect Using Asymmetric Self-Coherent Detection and MHz DFB Laser

    Presenter: Yixiao Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Advanced Modulator and Detectors

Presider: Guo-Qiang Lo, Advanced Micro Foundry Pte Ltd, Singapore
Room 208

  1. -
    Hybrid Silicon Nitride/Lithium Niobate Electro-Optical Modulator With Wide Optical Bandwidth and High RF Bandwidth Based on Ion-cut Wafer-Level Bonding Technology

    Presenter: Zhuoyun Li, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, China

  2. -
    200 GBd Electro-Optic PLZT Modulator for O-Band Transmission

    Presenter: Shiyoshi Yokoyama, Kyushu University, Japan

  3. -
    An 8×256 Gbps Silicon Photonic DWDM Transmitter With Thermally Stable Microring Modulators

    Presenter: Jintao XUE, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, China

  4. -
    A Temporal Tail-Cutting Approach for Optimizing HighSpeed Performance of Ge-Si Photodetectors

    Presenter: Bohan Chu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Photonic Advancements for Scalable and Secured Networks

Presider: Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, McGill University, Canada
Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    Advancing PIC Development Using Machine Learning: From Design to Fabrication to Optical Characterization

    Presenter: Dan-Xia Xu, National Research Council Canada, Canada

  2. -
    Chip-to-Chip Photonic Connectivity in Multi-Accelerator Servers for ML

    Presenter: Arjun Devraj, Cornell University, United States

  3. -
    A 50 Gb/s WDM Silicon Photonic Ternary Content Addressable Memory Cell

    Presenter: Theodoros Moschos, Aristotle University of Thessalonikis, Greece

  4. -
    Neuromorphic Physical Unclonable Function and Self-Coherent Receiver Based on a Reconfigurable Photonic Circuit

    Presenter: Charis Mesaritakis, University of West Attica, Greece

  5. -
    Chiplet Solutions to Enable AI Scaling

    Presenter: Tony Chan Carusone, Alphawave Semi, Canada


Low Loss Passives

Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    Integrated Glass Waveguide Circuit for Co-Packaged Optics in Radio-Access Networks

    Presenter: Lars Brusberg, Corning Inc., United States

  2. -
    Low-Loss High-Uniformity Silicon Nitride Optical Building Blocks Integrated on Silicon Photonics Platform

    Presenter: Hau-Yan Lu, tsmc, Taiwan

  3. -
    High Performance Passives for Quantum Photonics

    Presenter: Eric Dudley, PsiQuantum, United States

  4. -
    Photonic Integrated 4-Meter-Coil Resonator Critically Coupled From 900 nm to 1600 nm

    Presenter: Andrew Hunter, University of California at Santa Barbara, United States

  5. -
    Accessing Octave-Spanning Kerr Soliton Based on Thermally Controlled Microresonators

    Presenter: Huilan Tu, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  6. -
    Integrated Photonic Gyroscopes

    Presenter: Mario Paniccia, Anello Photonics, United States


Multiband Optical Networks

Presider: Nicola Sambo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Mechanism for Dynamic QoT-Aware Resource Allocation in Multi-Band Flexible Optical Network

    Presenter: Miao Zhu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  2. -
    Applying Auxiliary Graph for Multi-Band Network Planning Based on Hierarchical Optical Cross-Connects

    Presenter: Saki Sakurai, NTT Corporation, Japan

  3. -
    GSNR-Aware Transmission Optimization in Dynamic Programmable Raman Amplifier-Enabled Multi-Band Optical Systems

    Presenter: Xinyi Liu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China

  4. -
    Autonomous Service Provisioning and Self-Healing in Multi-Band Multi-Domain IPoWDM Networks

    Presenter: Hussein Zaid, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunicati, Germany

  5. -
    Channel Power Pre-Equalization for Photonic Exchange Node in Heterogeneous Multi-Band Transmission Networks

    Presenter: Takeshi Seki, NTT Corp., Japan

  6. -
    Performance Analysis of Single Band and Multi-Band Transponders for CD-ROADM Based S-, C-, L-Band WDM Networks

    Presenter: Varsha Lohani, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions d, India

  7. -
    Performance and Transient-Resiliency of S- and E-Band Upgrades of a C+L-Band System

    Presenter: Andre Souza, INFINERA UNIPESSOAL LDA, NIF 510553079, Portugal


Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Presider: María R. Fernández-Ruiz, Universidad de Alcala, Spain
Room 215

  1. -
    Future SMART Cities Enabled by Fiber Sensing

    Presenter: Biondo Biondi, Stanford Univ., United States

  2. -
    Simultaneous Monitoring of 8 Fiber Routes by Means of High-Speed Switching for Time-Sharing FDM-DAS

    Presenter: Hiroshi Takahashi, NTT Corporation, Japan

  3. -
    First Demonstration of Path Diversity of Optical Fiber Cables Using a DAS Interrogator

    Presenter: Michel Leclerc, Exfo Inc., Canada

  4. -
    Optical-Domain Interference Fading Suppression Structure for φ-OTDR Sensors Based on Nonlinear Amplification of Optical Injection Locking

    Presenter: Junda Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  5. -
    Vector-Based Multi-Frequency-Position Phase Averaging of Φ-OTDR DAS for Large-Scale Vibration Monitoring

    Presenter: Yoshifumi Wakisaka, NTT Corporation, Japan

  6. -
    Distributed Acoustic Sensing With Super Spatial-Resolution Based on Deconvolutional Neural Network

    Presenter: Zhang Jingming, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  7. -
    Urban Water Leakage Detection System Based on Distributed Acoustic Sensing Over Dark Fiber Networks

    Presenter: Mikel Sagues, Institute of Smart Cities, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain


Advances in Future PON

Presider: Chathurika Ranaweera, Deakin University, Australia
Room 301

  1. -
    Harmony From Chaos: Orchestrating an Interoperable Ecosystem for the Future of PON

    Presenter: Kevin Noll, CableLabs, United States

  2. -
    Model-Free Deep Learning of Joint GS and PS for 300G Flexible Coherent PON Based on Direct Information Interaction Between OLT and ONUs

    Presenter: Zhongya Li, Fudan University, China

  3. -
    Multipoint-to-Point All-Optical Channel Aggregation for Coherent Passive Optical Network Using Talbot-Based Processing and Power-Division Multiplexing

    Presenter: Zijian Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  4. -
    Non-Commensurate Sampling Based Picosecond-Level Measurement Scheme for Enhanced Timing Accuracy in Very High-Speed PON Systems

    Presenter: Yang Zou, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  5. -
    Progress on Very High Speed PON in ITU-T

    Presenter: Derek Nesset, Huawei Technologies R&D UK Ltd, United Kingdom


Direct Detection DSP

Presider: Shota Ishimura, KDDI Research Inc., Japan
Room 304

  1. -
    Equalizer-Free 60-km Bidirectional Transmission of 100-Gbps PAM4 Signals Using Wavelength-Range Estimation Method

    Presenter: Yasunari Tanaka, NTT, Japan

  2. -
    Joint Partial Response Equalization and Multiplication-Free Error Corrector for Beyond 200-Gb/s Intra-DCIs

    Presenter: Xue Zhao, Univ of Electronic Science & Tech China, China

  3. -
    Cross-λ Phase Diversity: a Simple Chromatic-Dispersion-Tolerant Direct-Detection Scheme

    Presenter: Hiroshi Yamazaki, NTT Corporation, Japan

  4. -
    Pairwise Transmission Enabling Dispersion-Unconstrained Multilane IM-DD Systems Beyond 100G-per-Lane

    Presenter: Paikun Zhu, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan

  5. -
    Dynamic Nonlinear MIMO Equalization in 3-D Polarization Multiplexed Direct Detection Systems

    Presenter: Weiqi Lu, Westlake University, China

  6. -
    Low-Bit Volterra Equalization With Automatic Grouping-Enabled Non-Uniform Quantization for High-Speed DML-Based IM/DD Systems

    Presenter: can chen, Pengcheng Laboratory, China

  7. -
    Channel-Response-Aware Delta-Sigma Modulator Design Based on Genetic Algorithm

    Presenter: Linsheng Zhong, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  8. -
    On Geometric Shaping for 400 Gbps IM-DD Links With Laser Intensity Noise

    Presenter: Felipe Villenas, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

10:15 — 10:45 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Technology Showcase: Introduction to NGK Bonded Wafer for Optical Communication

Theater III

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Exhibit Hall Event Technology Showcase

10:15 — 11:15 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Commercial Readiness of Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Photonics

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

Presented By

10:30 — 12:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Posters Session II

Room 303

  1. Th2A.1
    A Reconfigurable 4-λ × 25-Gb/s/λ Silicon Ring-Resonator-Based WDM Receiver With Fast Wavelength Calibration

    Presenter: Jae-Ho Lee, Yonsei University, Korea (the Republic of)

  2. Th2A.10
    Designing Hierarchical Distribution Matcher Through Semi-Analytical Rate Loss Minimization for Probabilistic Constellation Shaped Systems.

    Presenter: Pantea Nadimi Goki, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

  3. Th2A.11
    Analysis of Differential Group Delay on 800G LR4 With Partial Response Equalization and MLSE Decoder

    Presenter: Jiahao Zhou, Univ of Electronic Science & Tech. China, China

  4. Th2A.12
    Net 1.15-Tb/s/λ Transmission of PS-256 QAM Signal Using a 7.6-MHz Linewidth DFB Laser and Linear Equalization

    Presenter: Xueyang Li, Peng Cheng Laboratory, China

  5. Th2A.13
    Precise Localization of Rapid Instantaneous State of Polarization Fluctuations Over FPGA

    Presenter: Yusuke Sasaki, NEC corporation, Japan

  6. Th2A.14
    Performance Analysis of Lower Raman Gain Coefficient G.654.E Fiber With Distributed Raman Amplifiers

    Presenter: Viacheslav Ivanov, Corning Scientific Center, Finland

  7. Th2A.15
    High-Performance Noise Whitening Filter for 112-Gbps PAM-4 IMDD Transmission With Severe Bandwidth Limitation

    Presenter: Fei Xie, Beijing University of Posts and Telecomm, China

  8. Th2A.16
    Spatially Disaggregated Approach to Cross-Channel Interference in Dispersion-Managed Optical Links

    Presenter: Emanuele Virgillito, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  9. Th2A.17
    Capacity Analysis of Submarine Cable System With Hollow Core Fiber

    Presenter: JIANG LIN, HMN TECH, China

  10. Th2A.18
    Enabling Gain-Clamped SOA in Point-to-Multipoint Digital Subcarrier Coherent Transmission System

    Presenter: LULU CHEN, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  11. Th2A.19
    Meta-Learning Nonlinear Equalizer for Hyperparameters Tuning for 206.9Tbps PCS-WDM Optical Transmission

    Presenter: Zicai Cao, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  12. Th2A.2
    T-Band 155.7Gbit/s net Data-Rate DMT Signal Transmission Over 3km NANF-HCF With Simple VFFE

    Presenter: Li Jianping, Guangdong University of Technology, China

  13. Th2A.20
    Adaptive Step-Size Digital Back-Propagation for Ultra-High Baud Unrepeatered Systems With Raman Amplification

    Presenter: Zhiyuan Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  14. Th2A.21
    Experimental Verification of an Analytical Model of Filtering Impact on Coherent Digital Subcarriers Systems

    Presenter: Pablo Torres-Ferrera, Infinera GmbH, Germany

  15. Th2A.22
    Experimental Demonstration of Ultra-low-Attenuation Antiresonant Hollow Core Fiber Transmission in S Band Based on Homemade BDFAs

    Presenter: Bing Han, Hust, China

  16. Th2A.23
    Photonic THz Sensing-Assisted Multipath Channel Estimation for ISAC

    Presenter: Zhidong Lyu, Zhejiang University, China

  17. Th2A.24
    Underwater Acoustic OFDM Transmission Over Optical Fiber With Distributed Acoustic Sensing

    Presenter: Wataru Kohno, NEC Laboratories America, Inc, United States

  18. Th2A.25
    Ultra-Short Period, Wideband, and Uninterrupted Microwave Photonic Frequency-Hopping Communication

    Presenter: Xiaoyang Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  19. Th2A.26
    Overwater Low-Altitude Source Localization by Underwater Distributed Hydrophone

    Presenter: Shuolong Zhu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  20. Th2A.27
    Photonics-Aided THz ISAC System Based on a Spectral Overlapping Multi-Carrier 16QAM-LFM Waveform

    Presenter: Mingzheng Lei, Purple Mountain Laboratories, China

  21. Th2A.28
    Optical QAM Neural Networks for Efficient AI Accelerators

    Presenter: Marc Bacvanski, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

  22. Th2A.29
    Native and Reconfigurable Distributed Acoustic Sensing Integrated With Single-Carrier 64QAM Transmission Signal

    Presenter: Zihe Hu, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China

  23. Th2A.3
    The Performance of Hybrid Pruning as Nonlinear Impairment Mitigation in Dispersionless Optical Links

    Presenter: Beni Widhianto, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

  24. Th2A.30
    High-Fidelity Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform in Integrated Optics

    Presenter: Guangsong Yuan, Beijing Univerisity of Posts and Communi, China

  25. Th2A.31
    Real-Time FBG Wavelength Shift Sensing System Using a Gain Switched Dual Comb

    Presenter: Minghao WEI, Dublin City University, Ireland

  26. Th2A.32
    Reconfigurable Photonic-Assisted Interrupted-Sampling Repetitive Repeater Jamming System

    Presenter: Shuang Zheng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  27. Th2A.33
    Strain Accumulation Rate in Fiber Spools in the Presence of Ambient Acoustic Noise in Laser Phase Interferometry

    Presenter: Yue-Kai Huang, NEC Laboratories America Inc., United States

  28. Th2A.34
    A Three-Terminal Nanophotonic Integrator for Deep Neural Networks

    Presenter: Saumil Bandyopadhyay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

  29. Th2A.35
    An Optoelectronic Neuromorphic Accelerator With Over 1 TOPS for Real-Valued and Over 3 TOPS for Complex-Valued Vectors

    Presenter: Ying Zhu, NationalOptoelectronicsInnovationCenter, China

  30. Th2A.36
    Sub-Terahertz Signal Demultiplexing and Downconversion Using Photonic Technology

    Presenter: Pham Tien Dat, NICT Network System Research Institute, Japan

  31. Th2A.37
    Experimental Demonstration of Integrated Remote Sensing and SDM Fiber-Optic Communications Through a 50-km 4-Core Fiber

    Presenter: guofeng Yan, HUST, China

  32. Th2A.38
    A Novel Photonic Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Technique Using Binary Deduction

    Presenter: SREERAJ S J, IIT Madras, India

  33. Th2A.39
    Localising State-of-Polarisation Perturbation on a Repeatered Link Using Wavelength Dispersion Delay Walk-Off

    Presenter: Daniel Elson, KDDI Research, Japan

  34. Th2A.4
    FPGA Implementation of Low-Power Multiplierless Pre-Processing Free Chromatic Dispersion Equalizer

    Presenter: Geraldo Gomes, Aston University, United Kingdom

  35. Th2A.40
    All-Optical Multi-Frequency Conversion 5G NR Analog-Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul With Enhanced Performance Over Digitised Implementations

    Presenter: Maria Morant, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

  36. Th2A.41
    2D Wide Field-of-View (FOV) Metalens Focal Plane Array (FPA) Based Silicon Photonic Beam Steering for Optical Wireless Communication (OWC)

    Presenter: Pin-Cheng Kuo, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

  37. Th2A.42
    60 Gb/s SSB-FBMC Signals Wireless Transmission at 0.1THz Based on Simplified Parallel KK Receiver

    Presenter: Long Zhang, Fudan University, China

  38. Th2A.43
    Side-Emitting Fiber-Based Optical Camera Communication Under Fog Conditions

    Presenter: Klara Eollos Jarosikova, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia

  39. Th2A.44
    Highly-Accurate Real-Time Instantaneous Frequency Estimation of a Fast-Chirped Laser and Its Application for FMCW LiDAR Nonlinearity Correction

    Presenter: Xuebing Zhang, IMEC-NL, Netherlands

  40. Th2A.45
    Beam Divergence and Atmospheric Turbulence Resiliency Enhancement in Free Space Optical Communication With Multiple Receivers and Maximal-Ratio Combining Algorithm

    Presenter: Shin-Yu Lee, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

  41. Th2A.46
    Demonstration of Distance-Dependent Data Channel Recovery in a 40-Gbit/s QPSK 2-Channel Mode-Multiplexed FSO Link by Varying the Longitudinal Wavenumbers of Structured Light

    Presenter: Ruoyu Zeng, University of Southern California, United States

  42. Th2A.47
    Bidirectional High-Speed Beam-Steered Optical Wireless Communication Assisted by LCoS Based 7-Core Fiber

    Presenter: Jin Tao, China Information Communication Technologies Group Corporation (CICT), China

  43. Th2A.48
    End-to-End Learning-Based Autoencoder Framework for Faster-Than-Nyquist Optical Wireless Transmission

    Presenter: Yuan Wei, Key Laboratory for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves (MoE), Fudan University, China

  44. Th2A.49
    Dual-Domain Feature Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization in Free-Space Optical Systems

    Presenter: Song Song, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  45. Th2A.5
    Weight-Clustered Neural Networks for Low-Complexity Nonlinear Equalization in Digital Subcarrier Multiplexing Systems

    Presenter: Sasipim Srivallapanondh, Aston University, United Kingdom

  46. Th2A.50
    20.1-km D-Band Wireless Transmission Enabled by CVMSO NN Equalizer in Photonics-Aided Coherent MMW Systems

    Presenter: Sicong Xu, Fudan University, China

  47. Th2A.51
    Optical Phased Array Beam Steering Utilizing Phase Modulation Characteristics Derived From on-Chip Phase Monitor

    Presenter: Makoto Nakai, Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc, Japan

  48. Th2A.52
    Multicore Fiber Coupling: a Path to Eye-Safe and Reliable FSO Communications

    Presenter: Vitor Correia, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal

  49. Th2A.53
    Bit-Rate Adaptive Optical Attocell Networks With λ-Tunable Beam Steering Under Physical Impairments

    Presenter: Eduward Tangdiongga, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

  50. Th2A.54
    BER-Analysis Based Resource Allocation Algorithm in SDN-Controlled Multi-User NOMA-OFDM VLC System

    Presenter: Chengju Hu, South China University of Technology, China

  51. Th2A.55
    Field Demonstration of Cell-Free Massive MIMO System Utilizing Analog IFoF-Based Fronthaul Link

    Presenter: Shinji Nimura, KDDI Research, Japan

  52. Th2A.56
    Achieving High-Efficiency Error-Correcting Transmission of Qutrits With on-Chip Quantum Autoencoder

    Presenter: Denghui Wang, Zhejiang University, China

  53. Th2A.57
    Silicon Photonic Generation and Measurement of Multi-Channel Energy-Time Entangled Photons Distributed Over 40km Single Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Yue Qin, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  54. Th2A.58
    Integrated Frequency-Agile 780 nm PZT Silicon Nitride Ring Modulator and Application to Sub-Doppler Atom Cooling

    Presenter: Andrei Isichenko, UC Santa Barbara, United States

  55. Th2A.59
    High-Q and Low Mode Volume Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Cavities on a Commercial 300 mm Silicon Photonic Platform

    Presenter: Skylar Deckoff-Jones, memQ Inc, United States

  56. Th2A.6
    DM-Structure-Aided Low-Complexity Soft-Decision Decoder for Improving Performance-Complexity Tradeoffs in Short-Block Length Codes

    Presenter: Takeshi Kakizaki, NTT Corporation, Japan

  57. Th2A.60
    Adaptively Optimized Detection of Bright Pico-Second Twin Beams Generated in Fiber

    Presenter: Hongyi Yan, Tianjin University, China

  58. Th2A.61
    Characterizing a Metropolitan Fiber Link With Heralded Single Photons From an Electronic-Photonic Chip

    Presenter: Ely Eastman, Northwestern University, United States

  59. Th2A.62
    Integrated High-Performance LDPC Decoder for Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution System

    Presenter: Chuang Zhou, Institute of Southwestern Communication, China

  60. Th2A.63
    Demonstration of 400G Optical Interoperability in IP Over WDM Network Scenarios Over Single Span WDM System With and Without Optical Amplifiers

    Presenter: Anuj Malik, Cisco Systems Inc, United States

  61. Th2A.7
    End-to-End Optimization of the Pulse Shaper for Enhanced Residual Phase Noise Resilience

    Presenter: Manuel Neves, Instituto De Telecomunicacoes, Portugal

  62. Th2A.8
    Nyquist Filtering Based on Fermat Number Transform

    Presenter: JingPeng Liu, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  63. Th2A.9
    An Optical Noise Model for low Power Microcomb Communications

    Presenter: Jorge Acosta, Monash University, Australia

11:30 — 12:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Out of the Darkness: A Sneak Peek at CableLabs’ CPON Specifications

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

12:00 — 15:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Career Zone Professional Headshots

Career Zone, North Lobby

Special Event

12:30 — 13:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Optical Interconnects for AI

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

13:30 — 14:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Moving Beyond 200 Gb/s Signaling and the Future of AI Systems

Theater I

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Exhibit Hall Event

13:45 — 14:45 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Coherent Moving to Client Optics

Theater II

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Exhibit Hall Event

14:00 — 16:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Frontiers of Optical Network Architecture Summit – Network Architecture Evolution in the Age of AI

Presider: Vincent Chan, MIT, United States
Rooms 201-202

  1. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Xiang Liu, Huawei Technologies, Hong Kong

  2. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Anny Zheng, Google LLC, United States

  3. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Young Jung, Amazon Web Services, United States

  4. -
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Arman Rezaee, CISCO, United States


What Building-to-Building Optical Interconnect Will Enable Gigawatt Scale Training Clusters?

Rooms 203-204

Special Event

Ultra-Wideband Transmission

Presider: Ruben Luis, NICT, Japan
Rooms 205-206

  1. -
    First Field Demonstration of Real-Time Sub-100-Tb/s Transmission With Net 1.2-Tb/s Channels Over 12-THz-Wide Super C+L Band Along 305-km G.652.D Fiber

    Presenter: Mingqing Zuo, China Mobile Research Institute, China

  2. -
    Net 107.7-Tb/s Triple-Band WDM Transmission Over 1200-km Single-Mode Fiber With Forward- and Backward-Pumped Distributed Raman Amplifiers

    Presenter: Fukutaro Hamaoka, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Japan

  3. -
    214-Tb/s Transmission Over 2×75-km in the S+C+L Band With >1-Tb/s/λ Signals Using Only Doped Fiber Amplifiers

    Presenter: Yuqian Zhang, Department of Fundamental Network Technology, China Mobile Research Institute, Beijing 100053, China, China

  4. -
    Transmission System Technologies for Large-Scale Multiplexing in Wavelength and Space

    Presenter: Benjamin Puttnam, Microsoft Azure Fiber, United Kingdom


Point to Multipoint and Satellite Networks

Presider: Daniel Kilper, University of Dublin Trinity College, Ireland
Room 207

  1. -
    On the Synergy Between Flexible Ethernet and Point-to-Multipoint Optical Networks

    Presenter: Meihan Wu, Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China

  2. -
    QoS-Aware Resource Allocation in Point to Multipoint (P2MP) Metro Aggregation Networks

    Presenter: Polizois Soumplis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

  3. -
    Point-to-Multipoint Coherent Optics in ROADM-Based Networks: Opportunities and Challenges

    Presenter: Nina Skorin-Kapov, Centro Universitario de la Defensa, San Javier Air Force Base, Spain

  4. -
    Resource Allocation With Service Level Constraints in Point-to-Multipoint Metro-Core Networks

    Presenter: Konstantinos (Kostas) Christodoulopoulos, University of Athens, Greece

  5. -
    Multi-Layer Orbit-Weave Optical Satellite Networks With Cross-Layer Routing for Stable Service Delivery

    Presenter: Yongli Zhao, Beijing University of Posts & Telecom, China

  6. -
    Sub-Nanosecond Time Synchronization Method by Quasi-Dual-Frequency Distributed Time Synchronization in Time-Varying Optical Satellite Network

    Presenter: Kangqi Zhu, Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRist), China


Photo-Detector and Integration

Presider: Patrick Runge, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany
Room 208

  1. -
    High-Power Germanium-Silicon Photodetector Integrated With on-Chip Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication

    Presenter: Xiangyu Guo, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  2. -
    16 a/W, DC–200 GHz Ultra-Broadband Photoreceiver Module for High Baud Rate Small Signal Detection

    Presenter: Toshimasa Umezawa, National Inst of Information & Comm Tech, Japan

  3. -
    InP-Based Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers for Optical Communication and LiDAR Applications

    Presenter: Yuhki Itoh, Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd, Japan

  4. -
    Towards 200 GBaud Line Rates With Waveguide-Integrated Plasmonic Graphene Photodetectors

    Presenter: Daniel Rieben, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  5. -
    Planar Tandem APD Arrays With a Large Window Size, High-Responsivity and High-Speed Performance

    Presenter: Jin-Wei Shi, National Central University, Taiwan

  6. -
    Monolithically Integrated High-Performance Ge-on-Si PIN Photodetectors With Nearly 60 GHz EO Bandwidth, 0.95 a/W Responsivity, <30 nA Dark Current and -36 dB Optical Return Loss Enabled by Ge Shape Optimization

    Presenter: Yusheng Bian, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, United States

  7. -
    High-Gain Ge/Si Avalanche Photodetector Enhanced by Distributed Structure

    Presenter: Yuchen Shi, Zhejiang University, China


Fiber Sensing and Characterization

Presider: Mikael Mazur, Nokia Bell Labs, United States
Rooms 209-210

  1. -
    Microwave Frequency Fiber Interferometry in Submarine Deployed Telecommunication Cables

    Presenter: Adonis Bogris, University of West Attica, Greece

  2. -
    300-km Unrepeatered Φ-OTDR With High Spatial Resolution Based on Fractional Fourier Transform and Hybrid Amplification

    Presenter: Zichen Qian, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  3. -
    The Joint Task Force SMART Subsea Cables: Initiative and the Future of Ocean Monitoring

    Presenter: Charlotte Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States

  4. -
    527.8km Ultra-Long Single Span Distributed Optical Sensing With Co-Propagating 400Gb/s Optical Transmission

    Presenter: Xu Jian, School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  5. -
    Multi-Event Forward-Transmission Vibration Sensing With Dual-Sensor Adaptive Beamforming

    Presenter: Jian Fang, NEC Laboratories America, United States

  6. -
    Observation of Polarization Pulses in Aerial Fiber With Slew Rates Exceeding 10 Megaradians per Second

    Presenter: Robert Jopson, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  7. -
    First Demonstration of Distributed Characterization Over 100 km Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Fiber in Real-Time Widened C+L-Band WDM Transmission

    Presenter: Zhisheng Yang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China


Enabling Techniques for PON

Presider: Yanni Ou, Beijing University of Posts & Telecom, China
Rooms 211-212

  1. -
    High Power Emitters for Beyond 50G-PON

    Presenter: Ricardo Rosales, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany

  2. -
    Advances in High-Speed Opto-Electronic Circuits and Transmitter/Receiver Subsystems for Optical Access Networks

    Presenter: Peter Ossieur, IMEC, Belgium

  3. -
    First Demonstration of 200G Bi-Direction Self-Coherent PON Based on Pre-Amplified Stokes Vector Direct Detection

    Presenter: Yuhao Fang, Westlake University, China

  4. -
    First Demonstration of Joint NOMA-PCS Coherent Passive Optical Networks Supporting Fixed-Rate and Flexible Fine-Grained Access

    Presenter: Chen Ding, CUHK, Hong Kong

  5. -
    Experimental Demonstration of Alamouti Coded 200-Gbps/λ Coherent PON Transmission Enabled by Polar Coded Truncated Probabilistic Shaped 64-QAM

    Presenter: Xiaoshuo Jia, Department of Fundamental Network Technology, China

  6. -
    Real-Time Demonstration of Softwarized 4-Port 10G-EPON PCS for Fully Virtualized Access Systems

    Presenter: Takahiro Suzuki, NTT Corporation, Japan


Packaging and Coupling Techniques

Presider: Antonio Tartaglia, Ericsson, Italy
Rooms 213-214

  1. -
    High-Density Evanescent Chip Coupling With Detachable Fiber Connector for Co-Packaged Optics

    Presenter: Lars Brusberg, Corning Inc., United States

  2. -
    Connectorized Optical I/O Chiplet With v-Groove for AI and High Performance Computing

    Presenter: Chong Zhang, Ayar Labs, United States

  3. -
    DARPA HAPPI: New Dimensions in Photonics

    Presenter: Anna Tauke-Pedretti, Defense Advanced Res Projects Agency, United States

  4. -
    Photonic Modules With High Density Polymer Waveguide Interface

    Presenter: Jean Benoit Heroux, IBM Canada, Canada

  5. -
    Latest Advanced Packaging Solutions for AI

    Presenter: Chih-Pin Hung, ASE Group, Taiwan

  6. -
    (Withdrawn) Dispersion Management Technology for 200G/Lane and Beyond

    Presenter: LI Zhang, Coherent, China


Free-Space Optical QKD, QRNG, and Classical Techniques

Presider: Rui Wang, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Room 215

  1. -
    Evaluation of Time-Bin Encoded Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution From Low-Earth Orbit Satellites

    Presenter: Costantino Agnesi, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy

  2. -
    Bidirectional Fiber-Wireless-Fiber QKD Transmission Over 2x8.8Km Field-Deployed Single Feeder Link and 100m FSO Link

    Presenter: Konstantinos Tsimvrakidis, NKUA , Dept. of Inf. and Tel., Greece

  3. -
    FPA Beamforming for Alignment-Tolerant FSO QKD Links

    Presenter: Florian Honz, AIT, Austria

  4. -
    Photonic Integrated Chip-Based Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution Transmitter

    Presenter: Kyongchun Lim, ETRI, Korea (the Republic of)

  5. -
    Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Nearest Centroid Classification Algorithm Using Orbital Angular Momentum of Photons

    Presenter: Dawei Lyu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  6. -
    High-Speed on-Chip Real-Time QRNG

    Presenter: Cédric Bruynsteen, IMEC, Belgium


Device Applications for Wireless Communications

Presider: Maria Morant, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Room 301

  1. -
    Demonstration of Mid-Wavelength Infrared IM/DD Communications Using Air-Suspended Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Intensity Modulator

    Presenter: Xinzhou Su, University of Southern California, United States

  2. -
    Generation of High-Extinction-Ratio PPM Signals Using a Single IQ Modulator

    Presenter: Jihoon Lee, KAIST, Korea (the Republic of)

  3. -
    Optomechanical Cavities for All-Optical Microwave Signal Processing

    Presenter: Laura Mercade, Escuela Politecnica Superior de Alcoy, Spain

  4. -
    Silicon-Based Optical Phased Array Enabled Non-Line-of-Sight Optical Wireless Communication

    Presenter: Yingzhi Li, Jilin University, China

  5. -
    All-Plasmonic sub-Terahertz Wireless Link

    Presenter: Laurenz Kulmer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  6. -
    A 15-25GHz RF Photonic Front-End With 22nm CMOS Dual-Differential Driver and Silicon Traveling-Wave Mach-Zehnder Modulator

    Presenter: Yu-Lun Luo, Texas A&M University, United States

  7. -
    High-Extinction-Ratio PCSEL-Based on-off-Keyed Signal Generation for Fiber-Amplifier-Free Space Optical Communications

    Presenter: Shota Ishimura, KDDI Research Inc., Japan


Coherent DSP

Presider: Chen Zhu, Baidu Inc., China
Room 304

  1. -
    Low-Power DSP for Next-Generation Interoperable 1.6T Coherent Pluggables Employing Digital Subcarriers

    Presenter: Mohamed Osman, Infinera Corp., Canada

  2. -
    Transmitter Impairment Mitigation by 8Χ4 Phase-Dependent Frequency-Domain Equalizer

    Presenter: Pengpeng Wei, State Key Laboratory of Informaics and Optical Communications, Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecom(Beijing), China

  3. -
    A Novel Blind Adaptive Filter Based on Subband Decomposition and Synthesis for Optical Coherent Systems

    Presenter: Wanzhen Guo, South China University of Technology, China

  4. -
    Optimized Sparsification Algorithm for Low-Complexity Adaptive Equalizers in Short-Reach Coherent Transmission

    Presenter: Xiangyong Dong, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  5. -
    Baud-Rate Finite Field Adaptive Equalization for 400G/800G-ZR Transmission

    Presenter: JingPeng Liu, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  6. -
    Baud-Rate Clock Recovery for Coherent Receivers and its FPGA Implementation

    Presenter: Menghong Xu, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  7. -
    A Robust Baud-Rate Timing Recovery for Short-Reach Coherent Optical Interconnections

    Presenter: Yanfu Yang, Harbin Institute of Technology, shenzhen, China

14:30 — 15:30 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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How Optical Interconnects to Meet AI Demand?

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15:00 — 16:00 (Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC - 07:00)

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Advanced Photonics Coalition: Enabling Robust Volume Manufacturing of Photonic ICs for AI Networks

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