(UTC - 07:00)
Experimental Demonstration of DWDM-SDM Amplification Transmission and Optical Switching (150-km MCF+ Silicon Chip+ 120-km MCF) Assisted by MCF-EDFA and Silicon Switch Array (M3I.3)
guofeng Yan HUST
(UTC - 07:00)
1.2 Tb/s/λ Real Time Mode Division Multiplexing Free Space Optical Communication With Commercial 400G Open and Disaggregated Transponders (M3D.4)
Giovanni Milione NEC Laboratories America Inc.
(UTC - 07:00)
Tapered Optical Fibres With a Xenon Gas Cladding for Entangled Photon Pair Generation (M3E.5)
Tom Bradley Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
SC-Q: Quantum Devices, Systems and Networking
(UTC - 07:00)
A 290 Gbps Silicon Photonic Microring Modulator With 83 aJ/bit Power Consumption (M3K.5)
Fenghe Yang Zhangjiang Laboratory
D3: Active Components
S3: Transmission Systems
(UTC - 07:00)
AIOps: the Autonomous Network Journey (M3A.5)
Anurag Sharma Google LLC
(UTC - 07:00)
Advances in Metamaterial Integrated Photonics (M3G.6)
Jens Schmid National Research Council Canada
D2: Passive Components
S2: Subsystems for Transmission
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Real-Time Streaming Telemetry Based Detection and Mitigation of OOK and Power Interference in Multi-User OSaaS Networks (M3H.6)
Agastya Raj Trinity College Dublin
N3: Architectures and Software-Defined Control for Metro and Core Networks
(UTC - 07:00)
628 Gb/s Net Bitrate IMDD Transmission Using Ultra-Broadband InP-DHBT-Based Electrical Mixer With Upper-Sideband Gain-Enhanced Mode (M3C.3)
Masanori Nakamura NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
(UTC - 07:00)
Challenges and Opportunities in Free Space Optical Satellite Communication (M3D.5)
Mustafa Cardakli Amazon
(UTC - 07:00)
Photonics for Trapped Ion Systems (M3E.6)
Jeremy Sage IonQ Inc.
SC-Q: Quantum Devices, Systems and Networking