(UTC - 07:00)
Ultra-Wideband Mode Selective Couplers for Weakly-Coupled WDM-MDM Transmission (M2E.5)
Juhao Li Peking University
D5: Fiber Devices, Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, and Nonlinear Waveguides
S5: Free-space (FSO), Ranging (LiDAR), and Radio-over-fiber (RoF)
(UTC - 07:00)
Performance of Radix Sort Using All-to-all Optical Interconnection Network in an Eight-FPGA Cluster (M2G.6)
Kenji Mizutani AIST
N2: Optical Networking for Data Center and Computing Applications
(UTC - 07:00)
912-Gbits/s/Channel PDM-PS-256QAM NANF Transmission Using IQ-Crosstalk Robust MIMO Equalizer Integrated With Decision-Directed CPE (M2B.4)
Chen Wang Fudan University
(UTC - 07:00)
Recent Advances in High Symbol-Rate Transceivers (M2H.6)
Sebastian Randel Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
(UTC - 07:00)
Expanded Gain-Switched Comb Source for 180 – 260 GHz Sub-THz Analog Radio-Over-Fiber 6G Wireless System (M2F.6)
Amol Delmade Dublin City University
(UTC - 07:00)
Applications of Functional Nanomaterials in Sensing and Fiber Optics Devices (M2K.7)
Davide Janner Politecnico di Torino - DISAT
(UTC - 07:00)
An Ultimate-High Linear Silicon Modulator Based on All-Optical Linearization Method (M2D.7)
Fan Jingyang Zhejiang University
D3: Active Components
S3: Transmission Systems
(UTC - 07:00)
Characterization of Ten-Mode EDFA Using Swept Wavelength Interferometer and Digital Holography (M2E.6)
Yetian Huang Shanghai University
D5: Fiber Devices, Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, and Nonlinear Waveguides
S5: Free-space (FSO), Ranging (LiDAR), and Radio-over-fiber (RoF)
(UTC - 07:00)
Investigation of Concatenated KP4 FEC With Single-Parity-Check Codes for Short-Reach IM/DD Systems (M2B.5)
Tom Wettlin Huawei Technologies
(UTC - 07:00)
Dual Band Wireless Transmission Over 75-150GHz Millimeter Wave Carriers Using Frequency-Locked Laser Pairs (M2F.7)
Zichuan Zhou University College London