Sunday, 30 March,
Rooms 211-212 (Level 2)
The convergence of high-rate communications with multiparameter environmental sensing presents a transformative opportunity to enhance infrastructure monitoring and data transmission capabilities. The workshop addresses the question “ISAC - Best of both worlds or best of neither?” We will discuss whether ISAC offers true advantages, particularly in the optical domain, or if separate systems for sensing and communications may be the better option.
Key Learning Points
- What are the true advantages of ISAC systems, compared to traditional separate systems for sensing and communication?
- How do ISAC systems perform in different media, specifically in fiber and FSO environments?
- Are ISAC systems the best solution for modern communication and sensing needs, or do they fall short in critical aspects?
- What are the primary advantages of ISAC systems from the perspective of network operators and end-users?
- Can ISAC technologies make a transition from research to market within next 5 years?
Oskars Ozolins (Lead), Riga Technical University, Latvia
Prince Anandarajah, Dublin City University, Ireland
Bernhard Schrenk, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Hiroshi Takahashi, NTT Corp., Japan
Florian Azendorf, ADTRAN, Germany
Mehdi Asghari, SiLC Technologies, United States
Steinar Bjørnstad, TAMPNET, Norway
Sterenn Guerrier, Nokia Bell-Labs, France
Shuren Hu, Vanderbilt University & Aurora Tech, United States
Francesco Morichetti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Xianbin Yu, Zhejiang University, China