• Technical Conference:  30 March – 03 April 2025
  • Exhibition: 01 – 03 April 2025
  • Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA

Towards Operational Large-Scale Quantum Networks

Wednesday, 02 April, 16:30 – 18:30

Rooms 203-204 (Level 2)

The astounding progress of quantum technologies in the last decade has led to the deployment of large networks for quantum communication applications. Of these, quantum key distribution (QKD) is the most mature, with a multitude of system vendors and testbeds operating worldwide. The next step for QKD is to reach an operational level, where confidential data is secured in production networks. Besides QKD, advanced quantum communication protocols based on entanglement distribution and quantum teleportation offer even more functionalities such as secure multi-party computation, quantum money, quantum repeaters and interconnected quantum computing. Although currently at a lower maturity level, essential steps need to be taken now to allow a seamless integration of these advanced quantum network components into existing classical communication and QKD frameworks.

The panel will present the current state of quantum communication network deployments worldwide. Particular attention will be paid to the technological readiness of QKD both on the physical and application layers. Looking further ahead, new quantum communication protocols as well as quantum internet applications will be discussed including their network architecture and management requirements.

Topics to be targeted by the panel include but will not be limited to:

  • Demonstrations of use-cases in large-scale QKD networks;
  • Worldwide efforts on certification of QKD devices;
  • Extending the reach and functionality of QKD networks by employing quantum repeaters;
  • Imminent use-cases for the quantum internet; and
  • Technological challenges for quantum entanglement distribution over communication networks.


Hannes Hübel (Lead), Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria

Rui Lin, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sweden

Taofiq Paraiso, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, United Kingdom

Li Qian, Univ. of Toronto, Canada

Rui Wang, Univ. of Bristol, United Kingdom

Lai Zhou, BAQIS, China


Mihir Bhaskar, Lightsynq, United States

Valeria Loureiro da Silva, FIEB, Brazil

Charles Lim, J.P. Morgan and National University of Singapore, Singapore

Joseph Lukens, Purdue University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States

Andrew Shields, Toshiba Europe, Germany

Farzam Toudeh-Fallah, Ciena, United States