Technical Conference
3 – 7 March 2019
5 – 7 March 2019
San Diego Convention Center
111 West Harbor Drive
San Diego, California 92101
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Complimentary access is available throughout the convention center.
Password: OFC2019
Tuesday, 5 March
07:00 – 18:00
Wednesday, 6 March
07:30 – 17:00
Thursday, 7 March
07:30 – 16:00
Tuesday, 5 March
10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday, 6 March
10:00 – 17:00
Thursday, 7 March
10:00 – 16:00
08:00 – 10:00
Market Watch
10:30 – 16:00
Data Center Summit
11:45 – 13:45
Panel: Optical and RF Photonic Signal Processing Based on Frequency Combs
14:00 – 16:00
Special Chairs' Session
14:00 – 18:30
Symposium: Photonics for IoT and Sensing: Manufacturing, Packaging and Applications
14:00 – 18:30
Technical Sessions
14:00 – 18:30
Panel: Space Photonics: Disruptive Satellite Laser Communications and Astrophotonics
16:30 – 18:30
18:30 – 20:00
Rump Session
19:30 – 21:30
View Schedule-at-a-Glance. >
The Optical Society
2010 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, D.C., 20036
The Plenary and the Opening of the Exhibition
Get ready for the most exciting day yet at OFC! A full day of programming kicks off with the plenary at 08:00, followed by the unveiling of the Exhibition with its packed schedule. This evening, the ever-engaging Rump Session delves into one of the industry's key challenges.
OFC Plenary: Moving Beyond Challenges to Solutions
08:00 – 10:00, Ballroom 20BCD
From open networks and 5G build-outs to self-driving cars and the drive for higher data rates, today’s plenary session explores industry challenges and the path to solutions. Alex Jinsung Choi, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany; Benny Mikkelsen, Acacia Communications, Inc., USA; and Dmitri Dolgov, Waymo LLC, USA, will take the stage to share their visions on network innovation, the future of vehicular mobility and optical integration.
While each of these talks has a unique, focused message, all three presentations set their sights on the future. Alex will expand on the role of open networks in keeping rollout costs under control. Benny’s presentation will explore how co-packaging of photonics and electronics could offer additional improvements in power, density and performance; and Dmitri’s insights will shed light on how machine learning and artificial intelligence fuel Waymo’s technology.
“There’s much to discuss and discover as we unpack where the industry will go,” remarked Jörg-Peter Elbers, ADVA Optical Networking SE and one of OFC 2019’s general chairs. “We have to continue to push the limits of technology.”
We invite you to explore OFC’s diverse sessions over the course of the conference to respond to that call-to-action.
Learn About the Plenary Talks. >
Exhibition Highlights
Market Watch
10:30 – 16:00, Expo Theater I, Hall B2
Day one of Market Watch begins today. This series of panel discussions engages the latest application topics and business issues in the field of optical communications. Presentations and panel sessions feature esteemed guest speakers from industry, research and the investment community.
Panel I: State of the Industry Panel – Analyst Panel
10:30 – 12:00
Panel II: Market Projections for Wireline and Wireless Technologies to Support 5G
12:30 – 14:00
Panel III: High Capacity Long Distance Optical Transport: Challenges and Business Reality
14:30 – 16:00
Data Center Summit
11:45 – 13:45, Expo Theater II, Hall E
Keynote: The Evolution of Content Delivery at Netflix
David Temkin, Vice President of Networks, Netflix, USA
11:45 – 12:15
Reaching 150 million customers across the world, Netflix’s backbone and CDN connects studios around the world and delivers over 100 terabits per second of award-winning movies and TV. Dave’s teams are responsible for design, deployment, and operations of all elements of networking, from script-to-screen.
Panel: The Importance of “Open Transport” DCI Innovations in the Evolution of Metro and Long-haul Optical Networks
12:15 – 13:45
The introduction of “open” optical transport architectures, which allow network operators to scale employing technologies from different optical system vendors that interoperate over the same fiber, has been one of the most widely debated topics in OFC the last 3-4 years. This panel will debate the adoption and main similarities and differences in open transport architectures for Inter-Data-Center, Metro and Long-Haul optical networks, and review the most important related innovations that enable the “open” optical transport evolution.
View Invited Speakers for the Summit. >
Rump Session
Are We Done With Digital Processing Innovation and Is Integration All That’s Left to Do?
19:30 – 21:30, Room 6D
Progress in optical fiber communications largely has been made through advances in device engineering and digital signal processing. Spatial parallelism, coupled with tight integration, seems to be the next (and maybe the last?) avenue to increase capacity. Will integration alone suffice to reduce cost and energy per bit at a rate our industry has gotten accustomed to?
David Plant, McGill University, Canada
Peter Winzer, Nokia Bell Labs, USA