Detection of Fiber Macro-Bending Anomalous Events in Operator Networks (W2A.30)
Presenter: Petros Ramantanis, Nokia Bell Labs
We experimentally measure the specific spectral signature of strong fiber bending and propose a metric to detect strong bending events. Leveraging telemetry from a production network we report short-lived anomalies which exhibit the aforementioned signature.
Authors:Petros Ramantanis, Nokia Bell Labs / Sebastien Bigo, Nokia Bell Labs / Fabien Boitier, Nokia Bell Labs / Armen Aghasaryan, Nokia Bell Labs / Camille Delezoide, Nokia Bell Labs / Matteo Lonardi, Nokia Corporation / Patricia Layec, Nokia Bell Labs / Allain Legacy, Nokia Corporation / Sylvain Chenard, Nokia Corporation / Eliana Vercelli, Nokia Corporation / Giovanni Bellotti, Nokia Corporation