Advancements in LPCVD SiN Waveguides: Achieving 3 dB/m Propagation Loss on 200 mm Wafers (W2A.8)
Presenter: Onur Ozdemir, imec
We demonstrate low-loss LPCVD silicon nitride waveguides on 200 mm wafers with propagation losses reaching as low as 3 dB/m at 1550 nm; with combined improvements in fabrication process; enhancing the current silicon nitride platform of imec.
Authors:Onur Ozdemir, imec / Tangla Kongnyuy, imec / Nga Pham, imec / Roelof Jansen, imec / Mathias Prost, imec / Joost Brouckaert, imec / Philippe Helin, imec